For my overseas friends in New Zealand one of the ways the Maori talk of their identity is by their whakapapa, their genealogy, and also by identifying with which mountain and river they belong to.
Many of our provinces nd regions take their names from the rivers that flow through them.
Once again I offer this prayer for people if they want to use it, or parts of it and also if people have suggestions that would make it better then that would be great as well.
In our land
people identify themselves by mountain and river
Our land is
shaped and defined by river and stream
The constant
flow of water from mountain to sea
We gather in
this place in this land to give God praise
We gather as
the people of the river that makes glad the city of god,
We gather as
the people of Mt Zion
We are your people and we come together to praise
you, O God
We come to
give you praise for the wonders of your creation
In particular
this morning the rivers and fresh water
We remember the
rivers God created
In Eden and
across our planet
Rivers that
are the lifeblood of Earth
Rivers that
are vital for all that lives
Every good gift flows from your hand O Lord
We give you
praise for the many rivers of our land
The mighty
Waikato and Clutha
The rivers
that give name and shape to province and region
The braided
rivers that weave across our of southern lands
The roar and
rush of fast flowing mountain stream
The gurgle
refreshing coolness of bush creek
For all these water ways we give you praise
O Lord
We remember
the streams and creeks of our past
How our
lives have been touched by river current
The pools
and ponds where we played
Water falls
that have drawn us to stand in awe
Adventurous trips
amidst rapid and rock
moments as we watch the water and time go by
We have been blessed by your gifts to us
We stop and
see that all is not well
We ask for
forgiveness for the way we have mistreated your gift of water
We have polluted
our rivers with chemical and un thinking land use
We have
turned our streams into waste dumps
We have
wasted precious water in luxury living
We do not
value what we were given
Forgive us O Lord and help us to treasure
your rivers
We thank you
for your presence in the rivers of our life
That in Christ
we have found life giving water that quenches our thirst
That in him
is a flow your grace that forgives and makes clean
Those in our
journey through this land your Spirit leads and guides
In rapid and
torrent and still waters by
Even by the
rivers of Babylon where we wept you are still there
Fill us afresh that we may love and serve
the whole of creation
To the glory of God, Father, Son and Holy
Spirit Amen