Thursday, October 26, 2017

For All the People... A Prayer of Thanksgiving and Confession

On sunday I am Preaching on Psalm 133 and the focus for the prayer of thanksgiving and confession is the relationships God has called us to live out our faith in: Our family and friends who walk along the road with us. The people who have spoken into our lives and God has used to bring us to faith and help us to grow to maturity in Christ. Those who Christ has called us to serve and show his to... and of course as this sunday is reformation sunday and we celebrate the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther nailing the ninety five theses to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral those who have reaffirmed salvation by grace alone and the authority of scripture.

As Always feel free to use any part of this prayer you may find useful... all of it if you like or none of it if you don't. 

Loving God

This morning we gather to give you praise and thanks

We especially want to praise you for the people around us

People who make life special and good

Who have spoken into our lives and bought us near

Those who we love and walk alongside us in you

And people you have called us to serve and care for

Righteous God

Thank you that we know what love is because you first loved us

You sent your son to die so our sins maybe forgiven

In his resurrection we know new life

As he ascended to heaven we know his kingdoms rule

In the small acts of love we see around us that rule makes itself known

We have hope it will all be put right when Christ returns

Gracious God

We thank you for those who have gone before us

Those who for two thousand years have witnesses to the gospel truth

Who in the face of persecution and trouble have spoken your truth

This morning in particular men and women of the reformation

Who reaffirmed salvation by grace through faith alone

Who Emphasised your word and reformed your church

Holy God who leads and guides

We thank you for the mentors and role models in our lives

Those who you have used to speak into our lives and inspire us

Who have used their talents and gifts to minister to us

Taught us, loved us, shown us and prayed for us

Those in the past who are now at rest with you

Those around us today who you continue to use

Caring God

Thank you for the people you have allowed us to show your love to

The ones in need who we have been able to help

The ones looking who we have been able to help see

The least whom in simple acts of kindness we have met and served you

Those we find it hard to love, who you call us to persevere with

Just as you will not let us go

Father God

Thank you for our family and friends

Parents, great and grand parents

For children, and great and grand kids

Brothers and Sisters, all those other rellies

For wives and husbands, we hold dearest in our hearts

For friends who are always care, and mates who are just there

Righteous and just  God

While our lives are enriched with so many people

We confess that we do not always love as you have loved us

We do things that are wrong and hurtful and unjust

We leave good things undone, and injustice unchallenged

We ask that you forgive us and wipe the slate clean

We thank you are just and righteous that in Christ we are forgiven

God who is with us on the way

We ask for your continued presence with us through the Holy Spirit

May the Spirit pour Christ like love on all our relationships

Bring the words of Jesus to our minds and help us to obey them

Enable and empower us to share you love and good news

 Break down barriers that divide, unite us with your people everywhere

 So you O God may be glorified, Father, Son and Holy Spirit  

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