Monday, March 4, 2019

An All- Age.. Inter-generational Call to Worship (Psalm 119:89-90)

As part of our all age worship service on Sunday (to celebrate International Children's day) we used Psalm 119:89-90 as our call to worship.

The two verses speak of God's eternal nature and that God is faithful to his promises from generation to generation. We are not a large church (average attendance on Sundays of about 40... however one of the great things about our church is that all generations are represented.

So I used a US based understanding of their being six generations alive today and invited people from each of those generations in turn to stand  and read out a little description of what made them a generation. The biggest groups represented in descending order were Gen Z Boomlets, Generation X, baby boomers, silent generation...  We did have a great generation representative in our 95year old, and two millennials (my twenty something kids).

we then re read the verses from the psalms. a simple but effective way of affirming and acknowledging all generations and ages and affirming the truth to God's word.

It was also a great way of affirming that our church is quite healthy in terms of demographics. Although we are missing the millennials big time we are a diverse all age congregation. I was able to tell people that the Parish Councils decision to have a blended worship style (the best of our traditions with the best of the new) was working and that our ministry to children and families was also significant.

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