One of the things that happens is that when you clean out your office and book shelves you discover things from the past. You brush the dust off and can sit down and read some stuff you had written along time ago. I've been re reading something I wrote while at the school of ministry called "Hope Not Hype: A Prophetic Ministry in a church in Decline.' It was a reflection on my sense of calling to ministry within the PCANZ... anyway in the conclusion I came upon a section I had written called the Parable of Austin Powers... It was good to be reminded of two things by this.
firstly, that we need to be teachable as it was one of my Youth Group leadership team who came up with it after my rather arrogant comment that I could see no redeeming feature in the Austin Power's movies... as quick as a flash he came back with this.
"The church is Like Austin Powers"
And on a flat, wrestling with it all, Wednesday the glimmer of hope from that comment in the reflection I wrote on it... " I am excited about he church because it is like Austin powers. It may seem as if somehow its been stuck in a time warp, frozen in time and out of place in its twenty first century home. It may be rather comical and , well, for the past few decades it has been obsessed with sex. However it is till God's not so secret agent and as bungling as it may seem it is still the agent of God's redemption in the world today."
I'm not such if 'Yeah Baby, Yeah' should replace alleluia in our worship services... well I'm quite positive it shouldn't. But on a droopy Wednesday I find a glimmer of hope not hype in this reflection.
You'll be pleased to note, in a way that stopped my reflection being hype not hope: A Pathetic ministry in a church in decline' and I apologise if I've shared this before however I finished my reflection then and now with two challenging insights from other voices.
" don't think that small groups can't change the world; they are the only ones who ever have- Margaret mead (quoted in Jim Wallis' FaithWorks)
"It's hard to believe that a movement born of visionaries and dreamers would become dominantly known for its traditions and rituals... God has a lot on his mind and it is through the church that he makes it happen."- Erwin MacManus
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
"What's in a Name?... Waiting on the Spirit (A series introduction) Acts 1:1-26... Fire and Wind: Encountering the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts and in Our Lives Today (Part1)
While I was preparing for this message Peter Jackson, the
king of the sequel , was making a very important announcement. He had, to quote a much loved TV commercial, been
‘internalizing a very complicated situation in his head’. You see since he had
decided to make the Hobbit book into three movies, there was the question of
what to call each movie. Originally the last movie was to be called The Hobbit:
There and Back Again’ which is what Tolkien called his whole story. But in “the
desolation of Smaug”, Bilbo had already got there. Could they call it
simply…and back again”. So as they have been viewing the footage and doing the
post production they have come up with a new name for the third movie…Which he
announced this week ‘The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies’. However,
Tolkien purists will be pleased to know that when the box set comes out it will
be called “There and back again: A Hobbit’s
Today we are starting a series looking at Luke’s sequel to
his gospel, the book of Acts. Luke kind of fits very nicely into that great
Hollywood tradition of doing a sequel. In fact it’s not really an advent of
Hollywood or even comic books or the four book sci -fi trilogy tradition in the
ancient world it was common for major works to be in several parts. Partly due
to the length of material that you could wind into a scroll, and of course the
scope of the story you want to tell. In the Prologue to Luke’s gospel and Acts,
Luke tells us that he is writing to Theophilius. WE don’t know who this person
is, except that he was probably a prominent Christian in Rome who was wrestling
with his faith, and Luke is writing to tell him the facts of the faith. How it
started in Jesus and then how it was carried to Rome. Theophilius also means ‘Beloved of God’ as
you and I read the gospel and its sequel we too as the ‘beloved of God’ are
invited to look at the facts of our faith, its foundation in Jesus and the
story of its initial spread to the centre of the Roman world. We are invited to
see the initial impact that the resurrection had.
Luke starts his sequel, with a recap, by filling us in with
what has gone before, with his account of the ascension echoing closely the
last chapter of his gospel, it speaks of the reality of a continual story that
you and I are part of, way past the chapter 22 where he leaves it.
But like with Peter Jackson there is a problem about what we
should call this sequel. We call it Acts, but what does that mean. I want to
start our exploration of acts through the question what’s in a name…Traditionally
it’s been seen as the “Acts of the Apostles” , what those who had
been with Jesus did after Jesus death and resurrection. It is a very human
story, fall of human faults and foibles, disagreements and setbacks, triumphs
and tragedies, personalities all that goes into a great and very human drama.
It is basically Church History. It’s our history, it’s like the Marvel Studio’s
who with the release of the Avengers Movie completed what they called Phase one
of their story of the marvel universe, telling the origin stories of all the
characters, here is our origin story.
But that does not really do justice to what is happening
here, it focuses on the work of human beings but not on what is really going on
in the bigger picture. Some have wanted to call this book the Acts of the Holy
Spirit. Right from his introduction Luke is telling us that this is about the
work of the Promised Holy Spirit. In fact for Luke the Holy Spirit is the one through
whom God has been working out his salvation plans all the time. It was it was
by the Holy Spirit that Jesus gave instruction to the Apostles. The focal point
for the spirits work in the gospel is Jesus, from his conception to his
resurrection. The key difference of the new narrative is that the long promised Holy Spirit would
come. It is not simply the age of the church but of the Holy Spirit. We are
reminded here at the beginning that John the Baptist had identified Jesus as
the one who would baptise people not with water but the Holy Spirit. Jesus last
words to his apostles are to wait in Jerusalem until the Spirit comes and they
will receive power to be his witnesses. Their mission is the work of God’s
This series is called ‘Fire and Wind: encountering the Holy
Spirit in the book of Acts and our lives today.” Fire and wind are symbols of
the coming of the spirit on those first believers at Pentecost. Our interest
reflects the centrality of the Holy Spirit to what it means to being God’s
People, and its importance in empowering and enabling us to proclaim the
Kingdom of God. We are God’s Spirited People. WE need to be filled with the
promised spirit to witness to the risen Jesus. I’ve tried to capture that in
this image by having the wind and the fire but with the impression of being the
burning bush the symbol of our Presbyterian Church.
It’s interesting in the passage we had read out today we see
the apostles going back to Jerusalem and going about the business of being a
community. They act in obedience to Jesus by going back, they pray together,
they are unified, they search the scriptures, and they work on the structure of
being church: they work out a process for replacing Judas as one of the twelve.
They function OK, but it’s not till they receive the Holy Spirit do we see the
focus move them from being inwardly focused to being outward looking, to being
a church with purpose and mission. One of the ways that difference is often
explained is like a car with and without the petrol, or diesel. It can be built
and made for what it is intended for, it can cleaned and maintained and shown
off, but if it lacks that essential
ingredient that powers it for what it was purposed remains stationary and
does not go anywhere.
OK, but even that name the 'Acts of the Holy Spirit', does not
give due consideration to what the book is about. Again we need to go and look
at Luke’s introduction to get the big picture. Because again I wonder if the
title the Acts of the Holy Spirit is not even big enough, it does not cover the scope of the narrative
and our part in the story as a church. First and foremost it is the Acts of the
sovereign God. It is the kingdom of God, the rule and the reign of God that
Jesus is teaching and enacting. It is the father who promised and who sends the
Spirit… we used the prophecy in Joel 2 that is part of peter’s sermon at
Pentecost in Acts, as our call to
worship today, in which God promises to pour his Spirit out over all humanity
regardless of gender or socio-economic standing, that We may be able to have
vision and imagine what the Kingdom will
look like in our world today and speak God’s words, to be Jesus witnesses.
It is the action of God through Jesus Christ. Luke tells us
what Jesus had begun to do and here there is the sense that through his
presence with his people in the Holy Spirit that action continues. We could call it the continuing 'Acts of The risen Jesus Christ'...What will
happen in Acts and what is happening in the church today is the continuation of
the ministry of Jesus Christ. The purpose of the sending of the Holy Spirit was
that we would witness to Jesus Christ to the end of the earth. It is the story of what Jesus continues to do
through us until he returns in a cloud just as he was taken for their sight.
Well that may seem a bit of a long drawn out look at what’s
in a name, but I think it’s important
for us as we find ourselves in this ongoing story, for us to understand
the place and purpose of the of the Holy Spirit. To again await and seek the
power of the spirit to enable us, and to witness to the resurrection of Jesus.
And it’s with that last idea of what the resurrection of
Jesus means for the church that I want to finish off today. Luke
is very quick to tell us this is central to his message, he tells us that Jesus
had performed very many convincing proofs that he was alive and that dovetails
with the idea of a witness as one who can testify to the observable and
objective truth of a situation. What that means for us as a church comes as we
move from Luke’s introduction into his account of the ascension.
Luke does that in verse 6.
It’s like stepping out of a voice over into live action, in a movie. And
he does it with a question. Luke tells us that Jesus had given his disciples
his commission to wait in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit and
they would be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the
earth. And the question captures what
the disciples are thinking, is it now Jesus that you will restore the kingdom
to Israel? The burning question for the people in Jesus day about the messiah
was that his coming would mean Israel’s restoration as a nation, throwing off
roman rule, was that going to be now? More than that, and Jesus picks this up
in his answer, it may sum up some of the things that Theopilius and Luke’s
readers were wrestling with. Because the question has a longer range
understanding, is it now that it will be the end of all things. Is it now that
Jesus would reign in person. There is a lot of talk in scholarly circles about
the fact that the early church had an expectation that Christ’s return and the
end was immanent and a lot of them were
wrestling with their faith as the time seemed to stretch further and further
into the distance.
And Jesus answer is to tell us that those things are the
preserve of God, they are held in the sovereignty of God. The meaning of the
resurrection was not that we should idly speculate about those things or that
we should associate the Kingdom of God any longer simply with the physical
nation of Israel, but that the resurrection was a call to us for mission: To
bare witness to Jesus. It was a call to a mission that would start at the centre
of Judaism in Jerusalem but would spread out to the ends of the world.
Luke often quotes the
book of Isaiah and the term ‘ends of the earth’ comes from Isaiah 49:6 and
while we may think of it terms of geography it has a wider connotation and
promise. For Theopilius that would have been defined by the Roman Empire, for
the Jews they may have seen it as meaning to Jews in the extent of the
diaspora, how far they had been scattered, but in Isaiah it is used both
geographically and also to talk of God’s promise and favour spreading to gentile
as well as Jew. Here as we’ve seen in
John is the saviour of the world that God so loves sending out his people to
the world.
This seems to be reinforced by the men in white who come and
stand with the apostles after Jesus is taken up into heaven. They are gazing up
in the sky and the men have to remind them that believing in Jesus is not about
staring up into the sky waiting for his return. It’s not about all heavenly
minded and no earthly use it’s about in obedience to Jesus the Mission of God.
Witnessing to what we know of the Risen Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
wonder if we are not a bit like the church between the
ascension and Pentecost, we are good at doing church, keeping it going, in
obedience to God caring for each other and worshipping and praying and
responding to the scripture. We even wrestle with getting the structure right,
but I find myself wondering if we are still kind of waiting, still kind of
looking up at the sky our hands half raised in worship and half in “ well what
do we do now”. As we work through the book of Acts I hope we encounter afresh
the spirit of God , in power, the spirit that enables us to witness to the hope
we have found in the risen Jesus and enable us to bear witness in our homes,
neighbourhoods, workplaces, city nation and just maybe to the ends of the
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
A Lost Prayer About Being Willing to Follow...
About 12 years ago I wrote a Theological reflection on Celtic Spirituality and the idea of green martyrdom, that is leaving your home for the sake of the gospel, as a metaphor for ministry. It had been sitting gathering dust amongst all my papers until we were forced to tidy them in the face of new uncertainty and a looming move... timely I wonder.
As part of that reflection I wrote a prayer (which I have always felt was rather long and a bit pretentious. It was a reflection about moving from a ministry situation in Rotorua to train in Dunedin in the deep south of New Zealand, a whole different Island, a whole different world. But it is a Prayer which I thought expressed the adventure of Following Jesus into future ministry situations and being prepared to leave the familiar to seek the kingdom be it place or out of those comfort zones that we tend to find ourselves settling in. So even after twelve years of gathering dust it still expresses my hearts desire, and probably my lack of poetic ability.
You'll probably note the bits from other prayers. St Brendan's, Sir Francis Drake and St Patricks breast plate, as well as a couple of lines and sentiment from the book of Ruth.
God who formed the sea and the land,
who spoke and the waves rolled and the wind blew,
who flung stars and galaxies into space,
and breathed life into our clay forms
we give you praise
In Christ, You know what it is like to journey,
you left your heavenly existence to live amongst us,
you chose to give up the comforts of house and home,
to teach and heal freely as you roamed,
you experienced the joys and sorrows
ebbs and flows of our life,
then out of love you gave your life for us,
nailed to across, dead and buried but not ended.
you rose from the grave and you are seated at the God's right hand
yet in a real way you journey with us still
present to the end of the age.
God's Holy Spirit
wild goose, spirit wind
you blow and we do not know from where it comes
or where it will lead us.
we aask you to fill our sails afresh
not to lead us to safe harbour
but out upon the wild ocean
to where our master calls us to serve.
God we have left family and home
prestige and position to follow you
the land we are in is foreign and strange
there are no familiar landmarks, by which to navigate
we miss the things and people we have left behind,
friendships that warmed our heart,
a community that embraced and nurtured us,
homes that were full of memory and meaning
it has caused sorrow in our hearts
and often we are tempted to give up the journey
or find an easier path to go by
Yet you lead us and guide us
you provide for us
you go before us and watch our back on the way
you walk alongside us
I often fear O Lord for my family and their welfare
I question what moving here and there will do to them
yet I know you love them more than I do
that you are loving and full of grace
that your plans are for our good
that you know our needs and provide
I will put my trust in you and go where you call
I will stay where you call me to stay
I will wander if you call me to move on
In all this I will continue to journey with you
Through your strength, by your spirit
As you continue to journey with me
A journey of to maturity and mission in Christ
As part of that reflection I wrote a prayer (which I have always felt was rather long and a bit pretentious. It was a reflection about moving from a ministry situation in Rotorua to train in Dunedin in the deep south of New Zealand, a whole different Island, a whole different world. But it is a Prayer which I thought expressed the adventure of Following Jesus into future ministry situations and being prepared to leave the familiar to seek the kingdom be it place or out of those comfort zones that we tend to find ourselves settling in. So even after twelve years of gathering dust it still expresses my hearts desire, and probably my lack of poetic ability.
You'll probably note the bits from other prayers. St Brendan's, Sir Francis Drake and St Patricks breast plate, as well as a couple of lines and sentiment from the book of Ruth.
God who formed the sea and the land,
who spoke and the waves rolled and the wind blew,
who flung stars and galaxies into space,
and breathed life into our clay forms
we give you praise
In Christ, You know what it is like to journey,
you left your heavenly existence to live amongst us,
you chose to give up the comforts of house and home,
to teach and heal freely as you roamed,
you experienced the joys and sorrows
ebbs and flows of our life,
then out of love you gave your life for us,
nailed to across, dead and buried but not ended.
you rose from the grave and you are seated at the God's right hand
yet in a real way you journey with us still
present to the end of the age.
God's Holy Spirit
wild goose, spirit wind
you blow and we do not know from where it comes
or where it will lead us.
we aask you to fill our sails afresh
not to lead us to safe harbour
but out upon the wild ocean
to where our master calls us to serve.
God we have left family and home
prestige and position to follow you
the land we are in is foreign and strange
there are no familiar landmarks, by which to navigate
we miss the things and people we have left behind,
friendships that warmed our heart,
a community that embraced and nurtured us,
homes that were full of memory and meaning
it has caused sorrow in our hearts
and often we are tempted to give up the journey
or find an easier path to go by
Yet you lead us and guide us
you provide for us
you go before us and watch our back on the way
you walk alongside us
I often fear O Lord for my family and their welfare
I question what moving here and there will do to them
yet I know you love them more than I do
that you are loving and full of grace
that your plans are for our good
that you know our needs and provide
I will put my trust in you and go where you call
I will stay where you call me to stay
I will wander if you call me to move on
In all this I will continue to journey with you
Through your strength, by your spirit
As you continue to journey with me
A journey of to maturity and mission in Christ
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Indulging in wishful thinking or inspiration for being witness (Acts 1 6-8 and a Quote from I Howard Marshall)
In preparing for Sunday I found a couple of great quotes from I Howard Marshall ( Acts, Tyndale New Testament Commentary, IVP: 1980).
Marshall comments on the question asked Jesus about "is it time that you will now establish Israel. And I think Jesus answer and Marshalls reflections are helpful to us as it is easy to want to look for God to move and make it all right... be it revival, a political swing back to the Church ( a longing to return to the days of Christendom), or that the Lord's coming is immanent... you just have to read the signs (and lets face it we've just been through a period of heightened eschatological stress with the Millennium and living in an age where for the first time human activity can be seen to have catastrophic global ramifications).
I Howard Marshall Comments... On the question...
he goes on to acknowledge some may have been looking towards how soon the end was coming...Marshall comments on Jesus reply...
Marshall comments on the question asked Jesus about "is it time that you will now establish Israel. And I think Jesus answer and Marshalls reflections are helpful to us as it is easy to want to look for God to move and make it all right... be it revival, a political swing back to the Church ( a longing to return to the days of Christendom), or that the Lord's coming is immanent... you just have to read the signs (and lets face it we've just been through a period of heightened eschatological stress with the Millennium and living in an age where for the first time human activity can be seen to have catastrophic global ramifications).
I Howard Marshall Comments... On the question...
" Their question (tying into Jesus comment in v.3) is weather Jesus intends to restore the Kingdom to Israel. This may reflect the Jewish hope that God would establish his rule in such a way that the people of Israel would be freed from their enemies (especially the Romans) and establish as a nation to which other people would be subservient. If so, the disciples would appear here as representatives of Luke's readers who had not yet realised that Jesus had transformed the Jewish hope of the Kingdom of God by purging it of its nationalistic political elements."
he goes on to acknowledge some may have been looking towards how soon the end was coming...Marshall comments on Jesus reply...
" Jesus roundly states that the matter of the time of God's action is his own affair, and it is not open to men to share his knowledge. Since this is God's secret, there is no place for human speculation- a point that might well be borne in mind by those who still anxiously try to calculate the probable course of events in the last days. Instead of indulging in wishful thinking or apocalyptic speculation, the disciples must accomplish their task of being witnesses to Jesus. The scope of their task is world wide. It begins in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and it stretches to the end of the earth."
I find myself encouraged that to believe in and follow a Risen Jesus is a call to live in a world that God so loved and to Witness in it to that Love shown in Jesus... with the knowledge of God's promised presence and power in the Holy Spirit, knowing that God has the God sized stuff under his control.
It's not a matter of (see image above) wanting to jump off, but jumping into the arms of God for what we are called to live out.
Darrell Bock succinctly sums it up by saying ' Instead of being worried about the end of the plan they are to be equipped to carry the message to the ends of the earth."
Darrell Bock succinctly sums it up by saying ' Instead of being worried about the end of the plan they are to be equipped to carry the message to the ends of the earth."
Monday, April 21, 2014
Sitting Under The Fig Tree: Encounters With Jesus in John's Gospel (an Index)
Leading into Easter this year I have preached my second series of messages from John's Gospel... Last year over the same period I preached a series called 'Refracted Glory: Jesus Revealed In The 'I Am' Sayings of John's Gospel.' ...and this year I wanted to look at how people meet with Jesus in John's gospel and how that changed them and how we can meet with Jesus today.
This years series was called "Sitting Under The Fig Tree: Encounters with Jesus in John Gospel and Today." and picks up the encounter that Jesus has with Nathaniel at the beginning of the gospel. WE tend to think of the Fig Tree as an exotic and interesting place to be sitting, but in Ancient Near eastern homes the Fig Tree outside the house was the place where people would sit to rest and also to pray and contemplate. My hope was that in our own time and culture that we would meet Jesus in the similar places where we live our everyday lives and as we come to pray, reflect and read scripture.
I've posted the messages on my blog and in what does seem a bit of a self promotion I'm providing this index so people can find a passage and message they want. Please if there is anything of value in this feel free to reuse it, I'm also always open to peoples comment and reflections... I guess that goes without saying in the blogosphere.
Due to a glitch with Mircosoft word (if I am allowed to say such things... yes this is a google owned website) I lost the electronic version of my message on John 4: 43-54.
John 1: 35-50... Under The Fig Tree: The First disciples (Jesus meet us where we are and invites us to follow him)
John 3:1-21.... At Night: You must Be Born Again, Jesus and Nicodemus
John 4: 1-37... At the Well, the Samaritan Women
John 5:1-14 At the Pool... Do You want to be well?
John 6:60-71 ...Following When Jesus Says What!!!
John 9: 1-41... In Sight: Jesus and Who is really Blind?
John 11:1-44 In The Face Of Death: at Lazarus' Tomb
John 12: 1-11 In Worship or is It Worth it, Mary and Judas Respond to Jesus
John 12:12-36 In The Swirl Of The Passover Crowd: A Sea Of Responses.
John 20: 11-29, 21:15-19 With The Risen Christ: Mary, Thomas And Peter
This years series was called "Sitting Under The Fig Tree: Encounters with Jesus in John Gospel and Today." and picks up the encounter that Jesus has with Nathaniel at the beginning of the gospel. WE tend to think of the Fig Tree as an exotic and interesting place to be sitting, but in Ancient Near eastern homes the Fig Tree outside the house was the place where people would sit to rest and also to pray and contemplate. My hope was that in our own time and culture that we would meet Jesus in the similar places where we live our everyday lives and as we come to pray, reflect and read scripture.
I've posted the messages on my blog and in what does seem a bit of a self promotion I'm providing this index so people can find a passage and message they want. Please if there is anything of value in this feel free to reuse it, I'm also always open to peoples comment and reflections... I guess that goes without saying in the blogosphere.
Due to a glitch with Mircosoft word (if I am allowed to say such things... yes this is a google owned website) I lost the electronic version of my message on John 4: 43-54.
John 1: 35-50... Under The Fig Tree: The First disciples (Jesus meet us where we are and invites us to follow him)
John 3:1-21.... At Night: You must Be Born Again, Jesus and Nicodemus
John 4: 1-37... At the Well, the Samaritan Women
John 5:1-14 At the Pool... Do You want to be well?
John 6:60-71 ...Following When Jesus Says What!!!
John 9: 1-41... In Sight: Jesus and Who is really Blind?
John 11:1-44 In The Face Of Death: at Lazarus' Tomb
John 12: 1-11 In Worship or is It Worth it, Mary and Judas Respond to Jesus
John 12:12-36 In The Swirl Of The Passover Crowd: A Sea Of Responses.
John 20: 11-29, 21:15-19 With The Risen Christ: Mary, Thomas And Peter
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Encountering the Risen Jesus: Mary, Thomas and Peter (John 20:11-29, 21:15-19)... Sitting Under The Fig Tree: Encounters with Jesus in John's Gospel and Now (Part 11).
“On the first day… in the garden” is how John starts his
narrative of the resurrection (I preached on it last year). He had
started his Gospel ‘In the beginnings’ painting us a wonderful sweep from
before time and Creation, and onto the incarnation, the word that spoke and it all
came into being, the word becoming flesh and pitching his tent in our
neighbourhood. In Jesus we see the truth
and grace of God revealed. Now we have a new start and the dawn of a new
creation. “on the first day… in the garden”
And maybe you expect John who had started his gospel with
that grand sweep of cosmic proportions to start his narrative of the new
creation, in the same way, but he doesn’t he starts with simple stories of
people’s encounters with the risen Jesus… By telling us how that new life, that
resurrection hope began to shine its new reality into one life at a time, it
helps us to see how that resurrection reality can shine into our lives as well
this Easter Sunday.
We’ve been working our way through encounters with Jesus in
John’s Gospel and now… We’ve followed him from sitting under the fig tree, to
being nailed to the cross… and today we find ourselves encountering Jesus risen
from the tomb, in the garden with Mary, in the locked room with the disciples
and in particular Thomas, and on the beach, by a fire with Peter … almost a
full circle as we come back to where we started and find Jesus asking Peter to “follow
Mary Magdalene, Thomas and Peter act as witnesses. They are
witnesses to the reality of the resurrection; they meet Jesus raised from the
dead. They also act as witnesses to what that resurrection reality means for us,
how it can change our lives… from grief to good news… cynicism to certainty and
forsaking to forgiveness. They invite us to witness what a life transformed by
the risen Jesus can and what it means to be a witness to the resurrection.
Mary Magdalene, is mentioned in all four gospels as being at
the cross, and a witness to the resurrection. Outside of that it is left to
Luke to tell us about her, in Luke 8:2 he mentions Mary Magdalene as one of the
women who Jesus had healed and who in response travelled with Jesus and
provided financial support. In Mary’s case Luke tells us she was delivered of
seven demons. She would have been a woman on the edge of her society, Outcast
and stigmatised as having spiritual problems before she met Jesus, but in Jesus
she found someone who had turned her life around.
She had been at the cross, she had watched Jesus rejection
and death, you can imagine all her hopes and dreams dying on that cross as
surely as if they had been nailed up there as well. She is full of grief, and
now as she had come to do one last act of respect to her Lord and master, her
beloved Jesus, she finds that the stone has been rolled away and the tomb is
empty. She does not see it as hope… no…What cruel sick trick is this… what last
desperate act of hatred… there was no longer anywhere to focus that grief and
desire to remember. Even the angels John tells us who were there are unable to
console her.
A figure comes and stands behind her, she does not recognise
him, she thinks it’s the gardener maybe he can tell her where they have taken
the body… She is so caught up in her grief until he says her name “Mary”.She
recognises at last through the tear filled eyes, the voice that spoke healing
and wholeness into her life, who had been willing to have women as part of his
followers and had taught them, a voice she could not forget saying “Mary”.
Mary’s grief is turned to Joyous Good News. Jesus is
ascending to the father, the grave has lost, death where is you sting. She is
told to go and to tell the disciples and so her song of sorrow is turned to one
of Good News “I have seen the Lord!”.
Despite what Dan Brown might have you believe…Mary seems to
disappear out of the scriptural story at this time… My reflection on what she
has to say to us today really comes in what sort of week it’s been for me. You
see we too are called to witness to knowing the risen Jesus, and even in the
face of grief to witness to that new life and new creation. I was given the
privilege this week of doing a eulogy for my Father in Law Ray Middendorf, It
meant that I sat down with Shona and some of his brothers and heard the precious
family stories. But also as Ray was a man of faith I had the great privilege in
the midst of that sorrow and grief in celebrating his faith and proclaiming
Good News as well. That you and I have hope in a Risen saviour that goes beyond
grief and death… I didn’t want to use my own words I borrowed them from a very
trusted source… Desmond Tutu… who more than anybody recently has articulated
that hope… when he finished his farewell for Nelson Mandela with “rest in peace
and rise in glory”…
Thomas, also known as Didymus, which means twin, is one of
the twelve. We meet him at various times in the gospel, you may remember when
Jesus was going to Bethany and the disciples were trying to convince him that
it would be suicide to do so, Thomas said “ hey we might as well go along and
die with him”. But Thomas seems to be very absent at the cross and the day of
the resurrection. In fact when Thomas turns up, he is not prepared to believe
what he has been told. Thomas seems to fit into our twenty first century materialistic
world, I want to see for myself, touch and hear for myself before I will
believe. So when Jesus turns up in the locked room, Thomas as a witness becomes
quite important. We don’t know how Jesus
appeared in that locked room, we do know that Jesus like with Mary is concerned
and cares for Thomas. He invites Thomas to do exactly the things that he had
said he needed to do to believe. We
don’t know if Thomas does these things or not, all we know is that Thomas stops
doubting and believes. He turns from his cynicism to certainty… and he is the
first to actually understand what this means. He responds in worship” My Lord
and My God”.
You see for Thomas to believe in the resurrection is to
believe in the divine nature of Jesus. If you believe in the resurrection it
points to vindicating and proving all that Jesus had claimed about
himself. Thomas knew that… it was not a
step he would take lightly.
Again Thomas steps out of the scriptural story, except when
he is mentioned as part of the twelve and the apostles. Part of that is that
Luke is interested in telling us how the Gospel spread to the centre of the Roman
Empire, and we have Paul who was a prolific letter writer. Thomas however went
east, to Syria where he is acknowledged as founding the church there… WE can
tend to forget that in what are mainly Muslim countries these days that the
gospel and church have been there from almost day one. I am always reminded of
this in a story told by shane Claiborne, talking with the bishop of Baghdad
during the US bombings, and in response to Claiborne’s expression of amazement
that there are so many Christians in Iraq,
the bishop told him the west did not invent the gospel, it just
domesticated it”… In fact even in India
the church looks back to Thomas going and telling and establishing faith
communities. (it was grat to have
someone in Church from Madras India today who after the service told me of
growing up and worshipping at St Thomas’ church in that city, traditionally
said to have been built on the site of Thomas’ death in that city).
Jesus gentle rebuke of Thomas is a blessing on you and I who
have believed withoutseeing. Who have come to know the risen Christ through the
witness of people like Thomas and those who have followed him down through the
millennium, have shared their hope and certain knowledge of Jesus death and
resurrection. It calls us to stand with
Thomas as a witness, maybe like him away from the limelight, without the write
ups, not at the centre of the dominant society but as it says in the great
commission as we go… where ever we go… everywhere we go.
Simon Peter, we’ve known from those first encounters that
Jesus has in this gospel. His brother
had come to find him and told him “I Think we’ve found the one”. He’d been
there and seen and slowly begun to understand, he’d been given the name Peter…
which means Rock… he’d assumed the position of leader and spokesman for the
group. When many stopped following Jesus he had said “where else can we go, you
have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are
the Holy One of God.” he’d even been ready for an armed uprising drawing his
sword when Jesus had been arrested, but he was not ready for the cross. John
tells us of Peter denying knowing Jesus three times; he tells us that while
John was at the cross Peter was nowhere to be seen. He was at the tomb that
first day and with the twelve. But it seems he had no understanding of what
this meant for him, maybe he was still so aware of having forsaken Jesus, he
decided to go back to what he knew. Let’s go fishing he says. It’s in that that
he encounters Jesus again. In the midst of this we have a wonderful narrative of
Peter being reconciled with Jesus, being forgiven, restored and freshly
commissioned. Peter, do you love me?, Peter do you love me?... Peter do you
love me? Then feed my sheep. Come and
follow me…
When Jesus had first meet the disciples he had spoken to
them of the power to forgive sins and here that power is demonstrated and
wonderful shared with Simon Peter. Sin and death have lost their power and we
are set free. We are invited out of the familiar to serve Jesus a fresh and
anew. Of course we know a lot about Peter’s story from here, we know he was an
apostle we know he made mistakes and didn’t get it right, Paul had to rebuke
him about showing favouritism to his own people. But we see that here is someone
who experienced the new life, freedom and forgiveness from Christ crucified and
John does not give us an account of Jesus
ascension, but leaves us with his own account as a witness, in the hope that we
will believe. There is the sense that the story of people encountering the risen
saviour is to continue and it still continues, he still meets with us today,
not in physical body, but by the spirit. Today does Christ want to meet with
you. How today does the risen Jesus want to bring that new and abundant life to
you? Like with Mary, Thomas and peter he cares for each one of us …How does he
want to bring joyous good news into grief and sorrow for you? Certainty and belief in doubt?... Forgiveness
and reconciliation in the face of our failings and faults? In
what ways are you being called to witness to an empty tomb, fresh hope and the
Risen Christ? He is here today may you
encounter the risen Christ.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
In the Swirl of the Passover Crowd: A Sea of Responses (John 12:12-36)... Sitting Under the Fig Tree: Encounters With Jesus in John's Gospel And Now (part 10)
John 12:12-36

Leading into Palm Sunday this year perhaps in New Zealand
we’ve caught a glimpse of what can happen when a future monarch comes to visit.
Crowds gather excitedly, people are expectant of even a glimpse, a wave, a walk
by and chat, a photo op, although I wonder if you’d need to be a bit careful
these days reaching into your coat pocket to pull out the ol’ cell phone for a
quick selfie with the royals. Maybe that was what Jesus entry into Jerusalem
was like, except with palm branches not Union Jack flags and cell phones.
We are rapidly working our way to Easter as we look at
encounters with Jesus in John’s gospel and now. Today we are looking at Jesus
triumphant entry into Jerusalem. As you
read John’s account you get the idea of the swirl and movement of the crowd as
Jesus comes into the city, we catch a glimpse of how the powers to be see
things, and Jesus public ministry comes to an end. Not with the acclimation of
the crowd and growing worldwide acclaim
but with Jesus speaking openly of his coming death and one last plea to
his own to believe and find light and life in him. Today I want to invite you
to step into the swirl of the Passover crowd and encounter Jesus with me, as he
comes into the city and speaks, to find yourself amidst the sea of people and
responses to Jesus.
Jesus comes up to Jerusalem from Bethany, he’d stopped there
and a feast had been thrown in his honour. Many people had come because they
heard of the great miracle of Lazarus being raised from the dead. Now Jesus was
coming to Jerusalem, at a time of heightened tension and nationalistic
expectations, Passover where the Jews remembered their deliverance from slavery
in Egypt. John tells us a crowd came out to meet him. Pilgrims from all over
the country had come to Jerusalem for the festival, maybe many in this crowd
were from Galilee and last time Jesus had been with them they had wanted to
make him their king and he had slipped away to pray. Now here he was coming to
Jerusalem. Could this be the time to throw off Roman oppression?
There is excitement and expectation, while this event is
mentioned in all four gospels. John is the only one who tells us what sort of
branches the crowd used Leon Morris says “both the words they spoke and their
actions express their praise.” Palm branches were an emblem of victory, and
John’s mention here points to the triumph of Christ. The words are from the Old
Testament we used them as a call to worship this morning. Hosanna means “save
us” and echoes Israel’s hope that God would send a messiah to save them, the blessed
coming one’. They were the usual words sung by pilgrims coming to Jerusalem.. But
John records that the people add “Blessed is the King of Israel” this was not part of the psalm but summed up
the hope of the crowd.
John tells us that Jesus responds to these calls by finding
a young colt to ride on. In the synoptic gospels it goes into great detail as
to how Jesus found the colt that it was all worked out in advance. But here in
the swirl and whirl of this spontaneous but predestined event, Jesus
symbolically shows them what sort of King he is and what sort of Kingdom he has
come to establish. This is not the triumphant warrior king, riding on a white
charger, or conqueror marching at the head of an army, rather it was a humble person
, here RVG Tasker says is the prince of peace. Again in this action Jesus fulfils
scripture and John quotes it for us from Zechariah 9:9…
The disciples didn’t understand what was going on, John tells us it was only after Jesus had
been glorified that they realised that these thing had been written about him.
In his teaching at the last supper, Jesus talks of sending the spirit, the one
like him, who would come alongside and lead them into all truth and here we see
that in action. It only from the other side of the cross, only from the other
side of the empty tomb, with the spirit at work in us that Jesus is fully
revealed. The crowd can have an idea of who Jesus is and his mission and it is
often that that understanding of Jesus fits into what we want, our hopes and
expectations… But it is only as we allow the spirit to minister to us that the
reality of Christ crucified is revealed, and that reality stands starkly
against the mass moves and expectations of even his followers.
Now the home town crowd hears about Jesus, not just the
country bumkins, who could be excused for thinking Jesus was someone special.
The people who had been with him when he called Lazarus from the grave, the Jews
who had travelled down for Jerusalem, start telling people about what they
know, what they saw and more people come out to meet Jesus. The people that the religious leaders might
have thought would have been a bit more sceptical and circumspect, instead of
flocking to see Jesus. John’s transports
us into the back rooms, the shadows and the Pharisees who had plotted against
Jesus they see this as a sign that the whole world has gone after Jesus.
And we are no longer caught up in the crowd, but the words
the Pharisees spoke seem to come true as we find a group Greeks who were at the
festival come and see Jesus. The Greeks were probably what was known as ‘god
fearers, people who were drawn to Judaism because of its Lofty morality and
monotheism, but who did not want to go the whole hog of becoming proselytes and
be circumcised. They talk to Philip, and
Philip tells Andrew, who in turn tells Jesus. And maybe they think this is a
sign that Jesus is about to go global, that the big time beckons, if I maybe a
little cheeky here they think it’s like he’s lorde, that is L ORDE. Our world
beating teenage pop sensation… and Jesus does take it as a sign, but a very
different sign.
Jesus sees this as a sign that his time has come. His
mission is about to be fulfilled. In John 3:16 John had told us that Jesus had
come as the saviour of the world, now he sees that about to be fulfilled, the
Greeks represent that wider context for him. Jesus speaks to Philip and Andrew
and the crowd around him. He tells them that just like with a seed falling to
the ground and dying to produce much fruit that he too must die. This is not to
be a popularist uprising, but as he will say later a sacrificial uplifting.
That to follow Jesus calls us to be willing also to give up
our lives so that we might find eternal life. It would be great if the way of
Jesus was simply all triumphant entry, but it is a call to sacrifice and costly
love. Not that the Christian life is like sucking lemons, no it is full of joy
and wonder and finding eternal life… but couched in different terms than our
society sees them… it comes from being with Jesus and in finding our honor and purpose and
worth being meet by God, as we follow Jesus example. AS he will tell his
disciples the night he was betrayed, after he has washed their feet and invited
them to do likewise, and love one another as he had loved them, that he
will give them peace and joy that are beyond the powers of this world to take
away. But the road there leads through the cross.
John does not provide us with a narrative of Jesus prayer in
the garden of Gethsemane, but amidst the hustle and bustle of the festive crowd
we have an account of Jesus wrestling with what is before him. “His hour has
come” he is aware what that will mean.
Being human it tells us that Jesus heart was troubled, But his faith and
his trust in God do not weaver. Our
emotional response to an adverse situation, our experience of the pain of loss,
facing suffering does not equate with a lack of trust in God. Jesus here
wrestles with those very human feelings but expresses his knowledge and trust that God will be glorified in this hour.
Amidst the business of this day and this place, we hear an
audible voice from heaven; an affirmation that God will indeed glorify his name
and will glorify his Son. That what is about to happen is God’s will and God’s
way and God’s purpose and God will be
victorious despite it looking as if the powers of this word have won. It’s interesting that John takes the time to
work through how people respond to what happens here… We get Jesus
understanding that God has spoken, not to gee Jesus up so he’ll go through with
it, but as a way of showing those around that Jesus has been sent from God.
Some simply write it off as very opportune thunder, yet in Psalm 29 we have the
fact that God’s speaks in the thunder and the storm. Some thought an Angel had
spoken. Ina very pragmatic way it shows how our the ears of the crowd and our
ears can be closed to hearing what God has to say.
Jesus then translates what this voice means to the crowd. He
speaks of Judgement that God has chosen to judge the world. And it’s not the
picture that we often carry round in our mind as to what the judgement of God
might mean. It’s not the negative I’m going to make you pay for all you’ve done
wrong, you are never good enough for me kind of stories that we tend to carry
round in our heads and our hearts.
Rather it is a judgement of liberation and victory that fits very nicely
into the triumphant entry of the king into Jerusalem. The prince of this world,
Satan, will be cast out. Death and sin
will be defeated; darkness will be driven out by the light. There is the hope
of new life and living in the light. Jesus did not come to condemn but to all
who believe in him he came that they may have life.

Now we do need to unpack this a bit, firstly, the crowd and
Jesus understood the idea of being lifted up to mean death and death on a
cross. This is an affirmation that this liberation this freedom this life,
comes because of the costly sacrifice of Jesus. But also it needs to be seen in
the context of the Greek’s coming to see Jesus. They kind of got lost in the
swirl of this narrative, but remember they are the trigger for Jesus words
here. Some have seen this as a sort of universalism, that everyone will find
life in Christ. But it speaks more of a universal mission, that Jesus salvation
and the life that he gives will be open to all peoples… “Jesus will draw all
peoples”… Not just the chosen people,
but Jew and gentile, men and women, free and slave, rich and poor.
Now the
crowd raise their voice again, they had been silent since the beginning of this
narrative. They had been simply observing and listening. They respond with
misunderstanding and disarray. If there was an expectation of a messiah and a
king, Jesus had now managed to destroy that, he’d put the kibosh on it,
dampened it all down, with his talk of his death. Yes they are looking for a
messiah, their worldview is crafted and built on an understanding of scripture
and now Jesus does not fit that. He had come to his own and now they were
rejecting him. And Jesus finishes his
ministry with one last plea that these people may come to the light. That they
may believe in him. And sadly the narrative finishes with Jesus leaving and hiding
himself from them. We’ll it finishes
beyond where we read today with the voice of Isiah telling us that this was
according to scripture and Jesus crying out pleading and praying that people
may come to know him and have life.
Where do you
stand today in the swirl and whirl of this triumphant entry? There is the crowd
around Jesus with their expectation and hopes… Jesus invites them to go beyond
those to follow him even to the cross. What does that look like for you?
Are there
people who have come to you and are asking to see Jesus? Maybe they don’t fit
the bill, they are outside what you’d normally expect. Do you need to find an
Andrew to help them to see Jesus?
Are our ears
and eyes open this Easter, to Jesus lifted up? It’s an ugly sight but beyond it
there is hope for the people round us in darkness.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Reflection On A Water Feature
It would have been easy to write it off as a burst pipe or an overflowing storm water drain, at least that was on my mind the first few time I noticed the water feature in the square in the Ellerslie shopping centre. I guess I should apologise to the person who created it (and I looked around the square for a plaque to see who had... didn't find one).
Now, however, I find my self reflecting on this sculpture (or water feature) each time I drive through Ellerslie... which I do about two times everyday. It's not a fountain that you'd want to admire because of its artistic beauty or historical significance... lets face it the little township of Ellerslie nestled in the suburban sprawl of Auckland city isn't Rome or London or New York, it's not even down town Auckland.
Two thoughts come to mind, well three actually because I've pointed out to my son who is studying to be an engineer and he wondered if the fountain wasn't recycling the water that it used as it simply drains off into the ground in a very functional little drain that is a square round the four spouts.
But anyway back to the reflections I had. Firstly I couldn't help but think of Jesus words at the festival in John 7 where he talks of believing him being the source of springs of life giving water.
‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’
Historically there are famous fountains connected to churches which are a way of signifying this reality. But the simplicity of this water feature was such that it invites you to consider water sources springing up in the midst of the tough, concrete urban environment. Even the very modernist functional and I think soulless modern architecture and design of the Ellerslie public square. Although as you'll probably have guessed the plumes of water actually provide that life and soul, hopefully I've captured something of that in the couple of photo's I've put with this post.
The second thought was a prayer actually about being church in (or at least just outside of) this place. St Peter's finds itself down a side street hidden from view by the growing number of multi story gated apartments. On our advertising fliers I have summed this up by saying "St Peter's is the church just round the corner... but not round the bend... and definitely at the heart of the community". But my prayer is that while we may be like the water feature in Ellerslie glimpsed as people move past on their way somewhere else or going about the business of everyday life, that we may indeed be a place which brings this life giving water to those around us... That by the Spirit's presence in our midst (and John tells us this is what Jesus was refereeing to) that people may meet with Christ.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
In worship... or Whats in it for me: Mary and Judas encounter Jesus On the Road To The Cross (John 12:1-11)... Sitting Under The Fig Tree: Encounters with Jesus In John's Gospel And Now (part 9)
There is a narrative of Jesus being anointed by a woman in
all four gospels. Leon Morris says that the relationship between them is rather
complicated. John and Mark , and Matthew are similar in the words spoken and
even the setting, although Mark and Matthew have this happening after the
triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Luke is very different in timing and in the
insistence that the woman was a sinner, and therefore in the teaching that goes
along with it. John is the only one who puts a name to the woman; he identifies
her with Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus and places this wonderful act of
Worship and devotion into the context of a response to the raising of Lazarus.
This may seem like a real sort of academic bible scholar not very exciting way
of starting off this
morning. But as we
had this passage read out to us today and as I’ve been looking at it in
preparation for this message I couldn’t help but find myself standing in Mark
Matthew’s narrative, in fact I couldn’t help but think that we all today stand
in this story, with people from everywhere down through the last two thousand years
as Jesus says (click for quote) “Truly I tell you wherever the gospel is
preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory
of her.”
And we are working our way towards Easter by working our way
through peoples encounter with Jesus is John’s gospel and now. Today we look at
two very different responses to Jesus one that is a memorable selfless act of
devotion and the other a miserable self-centred act of denouncement: One responses
with worship and the other with what’s in it for me. Both lead to Jesus death
and both invite us to examine our hearts in relation to who Jesus is and what
he has done for us.
Jesus comes to the village of Bethany six day before
Passover. He is on his way up to Jerusalem so there is a sense here that he is
on his way to die. Mary’s act of
devotion is a preparation for his burial, and the seeds of Judas’ betrayal are
clearly seen here. This is on the road to the cross.
We know that Martha was her normal hostess with the mostest
and served. Once again it fits in with what we know of her character that she
would show her devotion to Jesus by doing the practical things for the feast.
Maybe again it was social expected of her as the oldest in her family. However there is a lot of scholarship round
the idea of Martha waiting tables. Because waiting tables is the Greek word
from which we get deacon, and the English word minister comes from the idea
also of waiting tables. Feminist
theologians quite rightly, I think, point out that Martha is always the one
going about this servant leadership role in the gospel narratives. AS we saw
last week she is someone who declares
her faith in Jesus as the son of God and I don’t think it stretches things too
far to see her running of the feast here as her act of leadership and devotion
to Jesus. If we are talking of encountering Jesus in this passage in worship or
in is it worth it…. She shows that serving is also part of our worship. She
carries out this role selflessly in contrast with Judas’ who saw his role as
the keeper of the purse as a chance for self-enrichment. This is always a
challenge for people who serve and who express leadership… is it about worship
and honouring Jesus or is it about status and self-actualisation or
advancement. Worship or what’s in it for
Mary anoints Jesus feet with a very expensive jar of
perfume. With nard which is an extract from a plant called spikenard… it is
still used in perfumery and is still very expensive. In Mark and Mathew’s
account she anoints his head, and it serves as his being anointed king as well
as preparation for burial. It’s an acknowledgement of Jesus. In this instance
just maybe John sees her wiping the feet as the ointment comes all the way
down. In Luke’s account he points to the fact that he had been mistreated by
the host who had not bothered to wash Jesus feet, and that the woman had not
stopped washing his feet with her tears.
It’s a costly act, we are told that the nard cost about the
equivalence of a year’s wages. But it was also costly as Mary puts aside her
status, and as Jesus will with his disciples takes on a servant role. Jewish
women did not uncover their hair in public but here she had loosened it to wipe
his feet.
My friend Malcolm Gordon mentions this passage when he talks
about worship. He says Worship is a
conversation, in chapter 11 we see the awesome and beautiful thing that
Jesus had done for Mary in raising Lazarus from the dead, now in response Mary
does a beautiful thing for Jesus. Christ
initiates and moves towards us with grace and love and healing and wholeness
and we move towards Christ in response. One of the words in the Old Testament
for worship is to lean forward to Kiss, here that is demonstrated graphically
by Mary.
But the conversation of worship does not end there. Worship
is two words and means to give something or someone worth. Mary acknowledges
Jesus worthiness of all praise and Jesus
in return gives Mary worth, he acknowledges the beauty of this expression and
its significance in pointing to his death, he defends her actions, her
devotion. In Luke there is the affirmation of great love being shown when much
is forgiven, In Mark and Matthew he tell us that she will be remembered. Worship is God’s reaching out and initiating
relationship with us and our responding. That opens the door to more of God’s
grace as this conversation does not stop here but continues and is linked to
Jesus death and God’s grace shown to us
On a real practical level Mary’s devotion is also
wholehearted and involves all of her, body, mind and spirit. I wonder if in her
heart and mind she has finally understood what Jesus going to Jerusalem will
mean. She gets it and this is her response, she does not get to care for Jesus
body when he dies that is left to Joseph of Arimathea and interestingly
Nicodemus. It involves her emotions and her body. It’s funny but one of the
nick names for us Presbyterian’s is God’s frozen chosen: Referring to the
reformed understanding of predestination and also our embracing of a very
formal and cerebral worship. Can I be cheeky and say it’s Ok to get excited about
Jesus, the amazing truth that in him the word became flesh, the creator came
and lived as one of his creation, that in the face of our brokenness and
darkness that there is life, and freedom and forgiveness and hope and joy and
peace, and fellowship and brothers and sister s to walk the road with us and
eternal life and the spirit presence to led and guide us to face down the evil
and sorrow of this world. I know it’s
easy to sing too many of those Jesus as girlfriend songs, homoerotic worship as
some have called it, its easy to get caught up in what we like rather than
focusing on the one who loves us. I have friends who are always worried that
worship can get too emotional, I worry that we don’t get caught up enough in
the wonder of who it is we are loved by and who we have the privilege to
worship. Mary is our model for worship.
However… It is easy to find ourselves standing with Judas.
On the surface Judas is right isn’t he. Imagine what the equivalent of one
year’s wages could do to elevate the suffering of few of the people who we met
by the pool at the sheep gate, or along the side of the road. Part of true
worship and Jewish piety was a willingness to give to the poor. It showed that your heart was attuned to the
heart of God, the kingdom mentality that we are blessed to be a blessing to
others. And Jesus does not dismiss that,
he does not fault Judas on his care and concern for the poor, rather he says
that there is room for both. When Jesus was asked what is the greatest command
he replied it was to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and to love
your neighbour as yourself. The two go
together . It’s interesting that in Luke’s gospel the two stories that follow
on from that are ‘ the parable of the good Samaritan, in response to the
question who is my neighbour and then we have the story of Jesus at Martha and
Mary’s house where Jesus commends Mary
for sitting at his feet. I wonder here if we don’t have what it means to
worship and give worth to Jesus, to sit at his feet, as we find ourselves
today, with Mary again, and the go and do likewise of the Good Samaritan.
But with Judas we are told that there is an ulterior motive
to what he has to say. We are let into what is really going on in his mind and
heart. He’s in it not for worship but for what’s in it for him? He’s been
dipping his hand into the money bag, lining his own pockets. I wonder iof Judas
does not also understand from what is going on where this will lead. He was
happy to follow Jesus when he thought that it would result in Jesus being installed
in the palace, you have to remember that the disciples in the other gospels had
arguments over who would be the key leaders when Jesus came into his earthly
kingdom. But now that it is leading to the cross it is a different matter.
What’s in it for me, does not present such an attractive alternative. When it was going to be victory and public
recognition and glory, Ok… But Judas begins to see where It is going that it
will lead to the feet of Jesus in humility, the feet of Jesus nailed to a
cross, without the understanding that it will also lead to Jesus feet stepping
from an empty tomb, then worship and following just don’t seem worth it, and
Judas looks for another source of what’s in it for me.
Ok well how do we tie this all together in a way that will
connect with us today?
Well Paul Meztger says this encounter with Jesus comes right
in the midst of a conspiracy theory. At the end of Chapter 11 where the
religious authorities plot to have Jesus killed and the end of this story where
we hear they want to have Lazarus killed as well. In fact he says this
narrative is part of that conspiracy as it directly tells us why and how Jesus
dies. However, “The real conspiracy” he says “isn’t taking place on the pages
or on the surface but in the hearts of respondents-including the readers, as we
react to Mary’s act of supreme devotion to Jesus and Jesus himself.” And he
brings it home in a very challenging way by continuing “We the readers tend to
praise Mary for her extravagant demonstration of love for Jesus but we tend to
behave like Judas, both in our carefully controlled piety and in our dismissal
of tactile costly worship when we encounter it in whatever form.” The narrative finishes with people in two
camps; those who came to see Jesus and believe and those who continued to plot
his down fall… It finishes with with worship or what’s in it for me?
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