Central to the passage we are looking at today is a metaphor,
a mind picture…The metaphor of a healthy tree. I wonder what picture comes to
mind for you when you heard that metaphor. Is there a specific tree or trees
that come to mind? Perhaps a childhood memory…
my wife Kris thought of the plumb tree in her back yard, where she would sit to
read a book, the branch where she sat worn smooth from hours of use… or somewhere
special in your life, in the past or now.
For me when I think of Oaks, the tree mentioned in Isaiah 61
two pictures come to mind…So real the
sound of the wind rustling leaves plays through my head like a soundtrack. I
envisage the oak trees at the Hunua Falls Camp: The one behind the cook house and
the ones along the bank of the Hunua River. I even see Ralph Blair holding on
to one of the trunks for support as he laughs so hard, at people falling into
the water off some dastardly contraption he had made for group building games.
The other is the oak that provides the backdrop to McLaurin
chapel’s reading room. In spring and summer it too fills the chapel with the
sound of wind rustling through leaves, so much so that the ever present sound
of central city traffic can be banished for a brief moment. It filters dappled
light into the building. As autumn comes you have to be careful walking up the
hill to the back of the chapel because you can easy roll your ankle on all the
acorns it drops. It reminds me of beauty for ashes, as its branches criss-cross
over each other in the middle, at some stage it was damaged and broken but it
has been lovingly cared for and now is a wonderfully beautiful and healthy tree,
that misshapenness accentuates its uniqueness.
The passage we had read out to us today in Isaiah 61 is a
prophecy which has as a central metaphor trees…Oak trees that because they are
healthy and strong produce good seeds that cause seedlings to grow up round
them. They are the hope filled starting point of the recreation of a garden, of
a reforestation of the nations. The trees that are mentioned are planted by the
LORD and called into being by the ministry of one filled by the Spirit of the
Sovereign LORD and anointed by God, a figure whose ministry Jesus says he
fulfils: Jesus who pictures his life and death as a single seed falling to the
ground and dying to produce new life.
We are working our way through the E100 essential Jesus
Bible reading Challenge, and at the end of this week we’ll be a quarter of the
way through. In fact by the end of this week we will have finished the Old
Testament section. My hope is that as we
are doing this that it isn’t simply an exercise of leafing through a book, but
that as we open ourselves up to the scripture narrative that there is that
rustling of leaves sound as the spirit wind blows a fresh through us.
The use of the tree metaphor which seems to book end Isaiah
reminds me of growing up in Titirangi. Way before my time the hills used to be
covered by forests of mighty kauri trees. As a child I often went to a friend’s
house to play. He lived on the slopes of Mt Atkinson and in the bush down the
back of his section was a huge log of a kauri tree that we used to climb up and
run along. It was massive and it seemed sad that there were no trees like this
standing. Years later I got a holiday job doing some gardening for people who
lived across the road from that house. Down their back boundary was a whole
gully full of adolescent Kauri trees. It seems there as a fire there at the
beginning of the twentieth century and the ultra-hard Kauri seeds germinated in
the burned soil. There is hope that again the hills will be crowned by these
majestic trees.

The first forty chapters of the book is a book of judgment,
and deals with Judah and Jerusalem going into exile because they had continually
and repeatedly refuse to live in a way that reflects their covenant
relationship with God. Isaiah’s opening oracle finishes with the metaphor of an
Oak tree, in Isaiah 1:30-31 the prophet says Judah is like an oak tree whose
leaves had started to fade, that was in a garden without water. It is an
unhealthy tree, in not paying attention to their relationship with God they had
cut themselves off from the very thing that gave them life and vitality and
while throughout the first part of Isaiah there is mention of God tending his
garden there comes a time when the old tree needs to be taken out and burned to
make way for something new and healthy. What does Kauri die back say about the
health of the environment? And you know
that tree removal can be a painful
In chapter 40 the tenure of the book changes so much so
scholars wonder if this isn’t a different Isaiah writing, it becomes a book of
comfort for the exiles a promise that God will restore and rebuild, bring back
and renew. It’s a book that picks up the tree image and says that again God
will plant his people like oaks that they will be a reason for praise and
righteousness to rise up like seedlings from the nations.
But the new tree is not planted so much through spade work
but voice work, it is proclaimed into life. The first three verses of Isaiah 61
are spoken in the first person. It is the voice of the person who is called to
do the work of restoration. It’s a voice that seems out of place with the
preceding chapter, some have thought that it is the prophet themselves speaking
of their call to
ministry, but that does not totally fit the setting. In the
second half of Isaiah there is a person who is referred to as the servant of
the LORD, we know them from the servant songs like the suffering servant song
in Isaiah 53, that we use of Jesus most Good Fridays. The servant of the LORD
is the one who brings about the restoration of God’s people, and that fits what
the voice is saying here. The speaker talks of God’ Spirit and anointing being
on them to proclaim good news to the poor, to proclaim freedom and release to
the captives, to comfort those who
mourn, to give beauty for ashes and bring praise in the replace of despair.
Their ministry is to bring about wholeness and newness for God’s people.
Wholeness and newness both on a personal level and also on a
societal level. The year of the lord’s favour invokes the year of jubilee
spoken of in Leviticus 25 and Ezekiel 46, a time when all debt will be forgiven
and wealth redistributed so that there will be no needy in Israel. It is a
picture of God restoring the righteous and just society that Israel was
supposed to produce in response to God calling them to be his people. Such a
different way of living that the nations would come and see that God is good
and so worship him and be transformed as well. Those wondrous oaks that were so
healthy they would spread seed and new trees into the nations. A new creation
of God’s garden.
In verses 7-8 of Isaiah 61 we have God speaking, and
proclaiming that this ministry and restoration and new life are a result of
God’s character that God indeed indorses the speaker, that God will restore and
release and comfort and bring back and make new because God loves justice and
hates injustice. We often think of a just God in terms of punishment, but here
it is about renewing and restoring, having to remove the diseased trees to make
room for a healthy tree. While this passage can be seen to be fulfilled
partially in the return of the people of Israel from exile, the scope of the
hope of a new tree a new community that displays the righteousness of God seems
to look for a future fulfilment.
In the narrative of Luke’s gospel right after Jesus baptism,
where John the Baptist had seen the Spirit of God descend on Jesus and had
heard him called “my beloved son” an affirmation of his being anointed as heir, Luke tells us Jesus was invited to read
the scripture at his home town synagogue, and he gets up and reads from the
scroll of Isaiah. The very passage we had read to us today, and after Jesus had
read the first three verses he sits down and says “today this scripture has
been fulfilled in your sight.”
Jesus uses this passage at the beginning of his ministry
almost like a mission statement, he claims to be the anointed one which is what
messiah means, filled by the spirit of God to proclaim good news to the poor,
freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind and to proclaim the
acceptable year of the LORD. Jesus
mission is to bring about that renew, that wholeness that Isaiah had talked
about. To set free those who are held captive, not in this case by the
Babylonians, but like the original tree in Isaiah by their brokenness and sin.
To plant a new tree that would show the righteousness of God, that would see a
new creation rise up in the nations.
The passage in Isaiah finds in fulfilment in Jesus. In Jesus
there is good news to the poor, both as in Matthews Sermon on the Mount, good
news to the poor of spirit that theirs is the kingdom of God, and in Luke’s
sermon on the plain that the poor are blessed theirs is the kingdom of God.
It’s interesting that this Good News message has been spiritualised to mean
Good News to the poor and marginalised that they can receive salvation and new
life in Jesus. But in the Isaiah passage it also points to the fact that they
should receive justice that it is a redistribution of wealth as well. The summary
of the early church as a community filled by God’s spirit in Acts 2 emphasises
that as it says they willingly shared what they had, they held all things in
common, being prepared to sell possessions so it was said that none of them
were in need. The wholeness and restoration Jesus brings is not just at a
personal level but a societal one as well, we are called to live in the Kingdom
of God, to show to the nations the righteousness of God.
What for us today from this passage.
First is the offer of newness and wholeness in Christ, there
is Good News, there is comfort, there is restoration in Christ, there is new
life, there is sight and hope. Some have thought that Jesus applying this passage
only referred to his ministry of teaching and proclamation of the Kingdom of
God. But in the midst of this oracle of God re-establishing a good news garden
there is another tree. The one who proclaimed liberty and good news lived that
out and made it possible for us to know this by dying on a tree, on the cross, in
that we can have that wholeness and renewal. Today do you need to hear that and
see the seed of that new life be planted in your lives. Where does God need to
bring that new life, good news restoration comfort and liberty?
Secondly, when we think of the good news as a means of
bringing new life we hold in our minds the image of a seedling or a fresh
sprout growing up out of the soil from the seed that has fallen to the ground
and died. But the passage Jesus quoted finishes with the image of trees planted
by the LORD. Not just fresh shoots but big mature strong and stable trees. The
tree for the desert people was a symbol of life a symbol of a stable and steady
water source, as in Psalm 1.The image behind me is of a st Jude pine, which
starts it new growth with a cross just before Easter.. The Good News Jesus
brings, the wholeness he speaks into our lives is not a one off rejuvenation
but that process of growing to maturity. It is the life long process of growing
following Jesus of trusting God through times of pruning and seasons of growth
and fruit and also of barrenness and seeming no life. I wonder if today what
ways is the wind of the spirit blowing through your leaves and calling you to
continue and grow on that journey.
Thirdly, the tree in Isaiah 61 was to be a source of
reflecting the righteousness of God: To show the splendour and justice of
God. Trees in the ancient near east were
places of shade from the harsh life sapping sun, We use them as shelter belts
from the buffeting storms. I wonder today where are you being invited to
display the good new you’ve received… where are called to provide shelter, to
be part of God planting new seeds?
IS your picture of Isaiah 61:1 copyright
ReplyDeletenot by me... I usually check them before using them and have over time used less and less internet sources images.
DeleteNesara Gesara Tbe Great Awakening