Wednesday, June 20, 2018
People of the Burning Bush ( Exodus 3:-12, 2 Timothy 1:3-12) ( a sermon recorded)
There are not many times when my sermons are recorded. But When I preached at Glendowie Presbyterian Church earlier in this month they did record the sermon and put it on the internet. In our tradition when a church is vacant a minister in a neighbouring parish becomes the interim moderator and looks after the church. That sunday we had six people becoming members of the Church so I chose to preach about the logo of the Presbyterian church. This may seem a bit egotistical but I know some of you regularly read my sermons but have never heard me preach so here is the link if you want to listen... the text and the images that go with this sermon are also on my blog.... here's the link.
Monday, June 18, 2018
Contending for the truth: Dealing with disagreement in a Christ honouring way ( 2 Timothy 2:14-3:9)
Dealing with conflict and disagreement are some of the
hardest things that we do in life. I hate conflict and my default Conflict
management style is avoidance. A bit like this Banksy painting, If I
can sweep it under the mat I will. The only problem with that course of action
is that eventually you will trip up over the large lump in the middle of the
room. And important things can’t be dealt with in that way.
The Internet was supposed to be a place where information
was shared and people could cooperate to solve conflict and difference. At the
same time it has become infected with mystical beasts who used to wait under
bridges in children’s fairy tales or threateningly lumber along in fantasy
epics, but now lurk in virtual anonymity behind keyboards, to pounce and attack
anyone they don’t agree with or like. These trolls don’t want to enter meaningful
debate and search for truth rather they just type out vitriol and venom.
Even in the church we find it hard to deal with conflict… It
is hard to deal with people who have differing views, on small matters like the
colour of church carpet and worship styles and peoples likes and dislikes, let
alone when it comes to matters of greater importance like doctrine and
teaching, matters that really matter.
In one book on pastoral leadership I read there was a
chapter that was labelled ‘learning to fight like Christians’ it maintained
that there were rules of engagement for wars, that boxing has rules, and if it
had been more recent it probably would have even pointed out that MMA (mixed
Marshal Arts) which had been described as ‘organised prison violence’ has rules
and so Christian’s also needed to know the rules when it came to fighting, or
dealing with disagreement and conflict.
In the passage we are looking at today Paul turns to help Timothy
in the task that he has been given of dealing with false teachers in the church
at Ephesus. And that is helpful for us as it gives us some insights and
practical advice for dealing with similar issues today and the wider issue of
dealing with conflict and difference in the Church. In the section from the start of chapter
three, Paul tells Timothy that the end times, that long section of history
between Christ’s incarnation and his return, would be marked by such
difficulties. You can see the truth of that prophecy in church history. For us
today as we participate in God’s mission and grow into maturity and ministry we
will face conflict and falsehood as well, so Paul’s teaching is as relevant to
us as it was to Timothy.
Last year I was involved in a commission to another Church
in Auckland. It was a church where the minister was in deep conflict with his
elders. We were called by the Presbytery to sort it out. It was one of the most
draining situations, physically, emotionally and spiritually, I’ve ever dealt
with, as we listened to both sides and had to discern a way forwards. Timothy
had found the same thing with dealing with the difficult pastoral situation in
Ephesus, he was burned out. As we’ve seen over the past few weeks in the
opening section of 2 Timothy Paul encourages Timothy to fan into flames the
gift of God within you. He encourages Timothy to work on his Spiritual
vitality. To remember the presence of the Holy Spirit in his life and whatChrist has done for him, and to put into place spiritual disciplines that will
help him to continue in the ministry and mission God had called him to: To kiakaha or stand strong in Jesus Christ. Conflict and strife and struggle and
opposition and wrestling with falsehood can sap us spiritually and Paul’s best
advise is the importance of keeping that relationship with Christ healthy.
Now Paul turns to Timothy to give him the material he needs
to work against the false teachers. He
talks of content, strategy, motive and in the midst of that he gives Timothy
He gives Timothy the content he is to use in the conflict
against the false teachers…
Paul tells timothy to “Keep reminding God’s people of these
things.” These things, refers back to what has gone before, and it may mean the
teaching in the section of the letter before this which was as you may remember
from last week contained in a song, and talked of the fact that if we die with
Christ we will live with Christ and if we endure we will also reign with him,
and that God is faithful. That dying to self and enduring may have needed to be
reinforced to people because of the false teaching that we are told of in verse
18 who say that the resurrection has already happened, that it was a spiritual
resurrection and we’ve all ready made it. But Paul is saying that instead of it
being about having already made it, and enjoying heaven now, that the Christian
life is about identifying with Christ’s
death and sacrificial love, and enduring till he returns.
But it also applies to the rest of what Paul has been
telling Timothy, which could be summed up as Solid teaching that leads to holy
living, and faith that has its outworking in love. The gospel in its entirety,
in saying the resurrection has already come in some way part of the problem at
Corinth as well as Ephesus, and in 1 Corinthians 15 Paul takes some time to
reaffirm the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, if the resurrection was
simply a spiritual one, then there people can deny the physical resurrection of
Jesus and Paul also points them forward to our own resurrection when Christ
returns, it is bodily resurrection. Saying the resurrection has already
happened and is a spiritual thing had impacted on how people lived primarily
that what we do with our bodies does not matter. This had lead to two extremes
in Corinth and there is evidence of it in Ephesus. One was an extreme
aestheticism, where you’ll remember people had done away with marriage, there
was no longer the need for romantic and sexual love, and also focused on food
laws as well, our bodies don’t matter anymore. The other extreme was that we
could do what we liked with our bodies and it lead to all sorts of practices
that did not reflect the gospel teaching.
When dealing with false teaching and in the midst of
differing understandings and doctrines
it is important to be reminded again and again of the gospel. The
central truth of Jesus Christ, who came and died and rose again. In the face of false teaching it is as we
tell the truth of the good news that the fake news is exposed and loses its
attraction and glow in the true light of Jesus Christ. When we differ on
matters that are not of so great importance it draws us back to what is really
important and central and enables us to see common ground and common good and
the basis for love for each other in which we can work through those minor
Paul gives Timothy the strategy for dealing with conflict…
Paul tells Timothy not to get involved in the squabbling
about words and godless chatter of the false teachers. Rather says Paul Timothy
was to be like a reliable workman who built a straight path, divided correctly
the word of truth. The way Timothy handled the truth was as important as the
truth itself. The false teacher wove
these wonderful whirls of words, threads of thought that wound round each other
and seemed to go no where. Kind of like the comments section on an internet
news feed, where people nit pick about what is said or simply see it as a
chance to respond with what they think, not search for the truth or solve the
issue, and of course it is often hijacked by those lurking trolls. But the
metaphor Paul uses talks of Timothy making a straight way in the truth,
focusing on it but showing its reality by how it is lived out.
Paul says the false teachers seem to seek out the vulnerable
and persuade them in secret, but Timothy is to be open and to teach in public.
So all can hear and decide what is right. Paul tells timothy to flee youthful
ambitions, here you get the idea of things like wanting to be right and win,
and rather to pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace. In the later verses
of chapter 2 Paul talks of teaching with kindness, and with gentleness. That we
show Christian love in how we deal with error and conflict. We still care for
those who we disagree with. Gentleness is not weak or wishy washy but rather
says that we focus on the common good and the truth and are not waylaid or
distracted from it by personal insult and slight.
In the book on pastoral leadership I mentioned before, the
author suggests real practical ways of doing that. Like leaving a gap after
someone has spoken to think of what they have said, rather than taking the fct
they have stopped as a chance to say what we think. Taking the time to
reflect back to the other person their
position, so they know we have heard and understand before we respond. In his
book Soulsalsa Leonard Sweet adds
such things as not critiquing someone’s position before we find something to
celebrate about them.
That leads on to Paul telling Timothy the Motive for dealing
with the false teachers.
That is to see people
come to know the truth in Jesus Christ. To repent and change. It’s not about
writing people off or destroying their position and them rather its about them
responding again to the love of Christ in the gospel. That God will grant them
repentance leading to knowledge of the truth. The content is the gospel, the
way we approach conflict reflects Christ so they will again meet with Jesus
I use the Bible in One Year programme for my devotions and
the day I sat down to write this message the New Testament reading was the
second half of Acts 8 and the whole of Acts 9.. It starts with the death of
Stephen the churches first martyr, and the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, who we
know as Paul. Saul looked after the coats of the people who stoned Stephen to
death, he agreed with the killing and he went on to persecute the church. On
his way to Damascus to arrest Christians there he encounters Jesus Christ. In
Damascus he is blind, and God sends Ananias to go and pray for him to receive
his sight, Ananias is scared as he has heard of Saul’s hatred of followers of
Jesus, But he goes and ministers kindness to Paul and he receives his sight and
starts preaching that Jesus is the messiah. Paul knows that God can change
people’s hearts, he knows that the person who is wrong about Jesus can met
Christ and have their lives transformed. H knows God’s desire for all to come
to know Jesus Christ. That has always got to be the motive that we bring to a
conflict and wrestling with false hood that the other person may encounter
Christ, and if we are in the wrong that we would encounter Christ and know the
truth. It is the right attitude to come with, when we have differences Jesus
show me your truth, it is the right attitude we should have for those we
disagree with, may they encounter Christ and know the truth.
In the middle of all that Paul gives Timothy hope. In
typical Jewish thought Paul’s teaching is in two halves. Verse 14-18 and 22-26 the
focus is on how Timothy is to deal with
the false teachers, but in the two paragraphs is the important thing that give
him hope in the midst of the task.
Paul uses the image of God’s household, full of different
vessels used for different purposes. The house is built on a solid foundation.
Building in the ancient world had a corner stone that the whole place was built
of, and often on that stone would be an inscription that denoted whose building
it was. We know from 1 peter and also from 1 Corinthians that that solid
foundation that corner stone is Jesus Christ, or Christ and Christ crucified.
The inscriptions on this stone are that “the Lord knows who are his.” And “that
those who confess the name of the Lord will turn from wickedness”. That the
vessels in the house depending on what they are made of will be used to
everyday mundane things, and other of precious metals will be used in public
for special events, important things.
The hope is that in God’s household founded on Christ and
Christ crucified, God knows who are his… he is not fooled, and those who truly
confess Jesus will turn and live a life that reflects him, they will always
follow the truth. There will always be a mix of people in the household of God,
just like Jesus tells the parable of the wheat and the weeds. It is only when
the harvest comes that they will be separated. The hope in the midst of
Conflict and wrestling with what is right and wrong belief is that in the end
it is God who knows those who are his. It’s not up to us to judge, yes we need
to be good workers and build by staying faithful to the gospel and do the
things that please God to the best of our ability. But in the end during
conflict and as we work through different teachings and understandings the hope
is that God knows his own, and if we face conflict holding on to the gospel and
treat others with a Christ like love desiring that we all come to Christ, not
simply that we win, God knows who are his, and is able to build his Church on
his truth.
Friday, June 15, 2018
Prayer of thanksgiving and confession based on Psalm 74
As I sat down to write a prayer for Sunday Morning worship the psalm in my devotions was Psalm 74. Written in the shadow of the destruction of Jerusalem, written in the very real dread that God had abandoned his people. Not the easiest Psalm to write a prayer for public worship from... But you know there are times and situations when it feels just like that. Maybe its like the storm weather has caught us unawares like the Shag in the image with this post was by a wintery wave as it sat resting on the rocks. Maybe it is just the ongoing drain of facing life's challenges and ups and downs, but in such times we are called to have faith in God to trust in who God is and what Christ has done for us...
I do try and write my prayers in a sort of poetic way, at least its cut up into stropes or verses that have the same number of lines... It's a liturgical prayer for a public worship so it does have fixed elements like confession and asking for God to fill us afresh with his Holy Spirit and I'd love to do that more creatively but in reality I don't want to play round with those elements I want people to know those realities. i'm not a poet by nature or skill, however as always I hope this prayer is helpful to you. feel free to use any or all of it if you find it useful... or none of it if you don't.
Lord God
Sometimes it feels like you’ve given up on us,
That you’ve consigned us to the too hard basket
Walked away and left us in our difficulties
We feel alone and rejected, that you are angry with us
Vulnerable to those who would stomp all over our faith
And leave our hope vandalised and shattered
Righteous God
There are times when we don’t find you anywhere
In quite contemplation you are strangely absent
Creation is silent and fails to speak of your grandeur
We go to your house to worship and you are not even there
We don’t feel your loving touch in the care of others
Your warmth in the help of sisters and brothers
Holy God
It can seem that you have deserted us and walked away
Your presence like a long missed precious memory
We feel it, we feel it like a deep sharp pain
but deep within we know it is far from the truth
Our faith is not in the ebb and flow of experience and feeling
It is based in trusting in what you’ve shown us of yourself
All Powerful God
While situations seem so much out of our control
And we feel adrift in the churn and blur of history
You have shown that you are sovereign, you reign from go to whoa
Beyond our ability to fathom it, you created all that there is
By your hand the earth is our life sustaining home
We say you are our king and you are our saviour
Saving God
You have shown us that you are there and that you care
You see what afflicts us, you hear our cry
You are not unconcerned but bend down and draw near
You sent your son, Jesus into this world
In Jesus life death and resurrection you have reconciled us to you
And you abide with us, always by your holy spirit
Loving God
We may not feel it but we know it
Situations may seem dire and grim but they are not the end
We cry out to you in the hope you will lift us out
But in fact you come and walk with us and work alongside
We are constrained by time and place and here and now
But from the view point of eternity we will see your answer
Faithful God
In faith and trust we reach out again to you
We confess our sins, that we have done wrong
We acknowledge our guilt, that we have left good undone
We reach out because you are faithful and just
As we confess our sins you forgive us and make us clean again
We reach out knowing we are reconciled with you in Christ
Good God
We know you keep your promise
So we ask you to fill us with your spirit again
We know it is your desire that all may come to know you
So we pray you would aid us to witness to our hope in Christ
To proclaim in word and deed your great love and saving grace
Through us, bring glory to your name, Father Son and Holy Spirit
Monday, June 11, 2018
the flax seedhead and three metaphors to help us stand strong in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 2:1-13)
I’ve taken to going for a walk along the newly formed
Onehunga beach in the Taumanu reserve on my days off, with my camera. I’m
amazed at the wonderful wildlife along the shore of the Manukau at this time of
the year. Herons, pied stilts, kingfisher, shags, gulls, oyster catchers, wax
eyes up in the bush on the cliff and sparrows patrolling the carparks for
crumbs… and of course the majestic royal spoonbills (kotuku Ngutupapa) which
just seem to glow in the late afternoon sun.
Well, when I went for my walk this week, it was a stormy day and the bitterly cold wind
was blowing in from the south west, right up the harbour from the Manukau
heads. The rain managed to stay away
till I got to the furthest point of my walk then it typically decided to pour
down. On this grey day the only bird of note was a shag so busy doing a
classical shag pose at the end of the stone breakwater that it missed an
incoming wave.
My attention was drawn to the
flax bushes they have planted All
along the walkway. Because there is something evocative about the flax seed
heads sticking up against the stormy sky. In the wind they perform this wild
bobbing and weaving dance, they bend and seem bowed down, only to spring back
up again in a lull, you can usually tell the predominant wind direction by the
way they lean, but they don’t break. They stand tall and do what they were
designed to do, attract birds to their flowers so they will be pollenated and
then send their seeds out to reproduce more flax bushes. They manage to do it
amidst adverse conditions and the storms of life.
That picture of the seed heads kept coming to mind as I was
reflecting on the passage we had read out to us today from 2 Timothy. Paul is
writing to Timothy to encourage him to keep persevering in the mission he has
been given. Both in Ephesus but also as Paul faces possible death to take over
Paul’s ministry as well. Like the seed head Timothy is to stand strong, kia
kaha in Jesus Christ and be about reproducing the ministry of Paul and Timothy
in other people, he is to pass on the gospel he has received from Paul to
people, who are reliable and able to teach others.
It’s not an easy task, Paul, in chains like a criminal in
Rome, calls Timothy to join him in his suffering for the sake of the gospel and
the elect, the people who will respond to the gospel and be saved.. Like the
seed head to withstand the wintery blast of rejection, opposition and
persecution for the sake of seeing Christ’s work and God’s kingdom being spread
and growing. The same challenge for maturity and ministry that we are presented
with in our world today. To reproduce our faith in others, those around us and
the next generation. Paul’s message to Kia kaha stand strong in Jesus Christ
speaks to Timothy and to us today.
Paul had written to Timothy concerned that his enthusiasm
for the gospel task was waning, It wasn’t that he was loosing his faith in
Christ. The faith that he had received from his grandmother Lois and his mother
Eunice was unshakable, but in the ongoing task of battling the false teaching
in Ephesus, and with Paul’s own imprisonment, he was what we called burned out,
emotionally and physically exhausted. He was bent down in the wind. Paul had
called him to fan into flame again the gift of God that was within him. He
reminds Timothy of the presence of God’s Holy Spirit in his and what Jesus Christ had done for us, in saving
us, calling us to a Holy Life and destroying death itself. What was to be
fanned into flame again was that awareness of God’s great love shown in Jesus
Christ and the sending of his Holy Spirit. Even in this passage when Paul tells
Timothy to stand tall it is in the strength of Jesus Christ. Christ’s call on
us as his people to be witnesses and to go to all the nations baptising them
and teaching all that Christ has commanded us is doable because Jesus said “lo
I am with you till the end of the age.”
But in this passage the second part of Paul’s exhortation to
Timothy, Paul tells Timothy about what he needs to do to fan that flame to life
again. He does it not simply by giving Timothy a to do list, or a set of
instructions where if we put Tab A into Slot B we will find ourselves
revitalised and full of energy again, it doesn’t work that way. And if you’ve
ever wrestled like I have with warehouse flat pack furniture or so I’m told the
even more perplexing Ikea kit sets you’ll know it isn’t that easy. Rather Paul
gives Timothy three metaphors to reflect on and allow God to give him wisdom
from. Like the seedhead on my weekly walk the three illustrations are from real
life. The Soldier, the Athlete and the hardworking farmer.
Firstly, the soldier. Paul tells Timothy to be a good
soldier of Christ Jesus. It is not a war
like illustration here, it fits well with what Paul had told Timothy in his
first letter that he was to Guard the deposit of faith he had been given.
Ephesus was an important city and had changed hands in different conflicts
during its history and its gates and walls would have been guarded. In the Old
Testament, the picture of people waiting on the Lord and trusting him is often portrayed with the image of the
Watchman on the city walls waiting for the dawn.
It is not a metaphor about fighting, rather Paul brings the
application of duty. A soldier does not get entangled in civilian affairs
rather his focus is to please his commanding officer. The word entangled may
come from the cloak that a soldier would wear to keep him warm, but that he
would remove when he went into battle or on duty, as it would be easy for his
sword to get entangled in it when he had to draw it. But here Paul is warning
Timothy about getting caught up in civilian affairs. A soldier needs to be
single minded and focused in his call to duty. I watched the movie ’13 hours:
the secret soldiers of Benghazi’ about a group of military contractors who were
defending a covert CIA base in Bengazi, when the consulate there was attacked,
and the ambassador killed in 2012. As the battle they fought to defend their
base winds down one of the soldiers says that his time as a contractor is
up, his wife had rung him that day and
let them know they were expecting another baby, and he had decided that not
matter the fact that it would cause him financial hardship he was going back to
be with his wife and children for good. In a good way his heart was no longer
in his work. But here Paul is saying that it is not good for a serving soldier
to have such divided loyalties.
Now on one level some commentators have suggested that
Timothy was following Paul’s example of working to support himself in ministry
and was finding the other work taking over, Do you find that insidious
encroachment of work on other important things in your life? or it may be a reflection by Paul of Timothy
finding himself distracted by other things. Its not that the issues of this
world family and making ends meet and the enjoyment of life are wrong or bad,
Paul is warning Timothy of the danger of becoming entangled with them. The
focus should be on pleasing his commanding officer. In this case it should be
in Pleasing Jesus Christ.
We can find ourselves caught up with the things of this
world and allow them to take the place of obeying Jesus as our main focus in
life. Fanning into flame the gift of God within us again calls us to the
ongoing process of evaluating where our priorities lie, what entangles us and holds
us back from that devotion to Christ as our captain.
The athlete. I wonder if one of the things that Paul and Timothy
liked doing was going to the games, as Paul often use the image of an athlete
with Timothy. In the first century like our own century sports were popular and
important, and so Paul uses this illustration of an athlete, who only wins the
crown by keeping the rules. In our time the ide of competing according to the
rules brings up thoughts of drug cheating or match fixing and people being
disqualified and having their medals stripped from them when it is found out
they have broken the rules. Even this week we heard that Hussain bolt had been
stripped of the Beijing 4 x100m gold medal because a team mate had tested
positive to drugs. Drugs were not the
problem in Paul’s time. The rules for competing in the ancient games meant that
you had to commit yourself to rigorous training for a ten-month period before
the games. Training that affected all you did, that took up all your time and
meant you had a certain diet and did certain things. You were not going to win
the crown the champions wreath if you didn’t train and you would also bring
down the quality of the games.
Again this is a metaphor and Paul does not prescribe a
training regime for Timothy rather allows him to reflect on the need for good
spiritual practises and routines and disciplines to be fit for the race and to
run it in a way that we will win. At Glendowie last week we welcomed six new
members to the church, one of the promises that church members make is “to make
a diligent use of the means of grace. By praying daily, reading your bible, worshipping
regularly and being a faithful member of the Body of Christ?” the number
one enemy of spiritual vitality is tiredness, and what it can do is to stop us
from keeping those good spiritual disciplines and practises that keep us connected to God’s grace, this
leads to spiritual fatigue but Paul reminds Timothy the way out of that and to
stand strong is through keeping those disciplines. If we were to mix metaphors
here with that of the soldier the motto of the SAS and other special forces
units is train hard and fight easy.
The third Metaphor is the hard working farmer. It is the picture
of a farmer working to plant, nurture weed and feed water and care for his
crops and see them grow and ripen and then go and harvest them before they go
to seed or rot. Paul says that the farmer should be the first to receive a
share from his crops. Again some scholars have said this refers to Timothy
being able to receive payment for his ministry. But the emphasis is on the
hard-working farmer, it ties in with Paul had been saying about passing on the
gospel to people who are reliable and will pass it on to others.
It is the diligent work of
planting seeds, helping them grow. Over the past few months as we’ve been
leading into thy kingdom come and committing ourselves to praying for five
family members and friends to come to know Christ I’ve shared with you a little
of that journey in my own life, its hard work. In other seasons it is seeing
those seeds grow. It involves weeding, which is what Timothy was doing by countering
the false teachers. I had a summer job in one of the industrial scale plant
nurseries out in west Auckland and I was a member of a full time weeding gang.
It was back breaking work, bent over working your way down rows of saplings
dragging a bag full of weeds behind you in the heat of the day. But it had to
be done, for those trees to get to the stage they could be sold and would
produce a harvest. It is hard back breaking work and you don't often see the results, in fact what usually happened is you'd get round the whole place and have to start all over again. Then there is the
harvest seeing peoples live change and be transformed by Christ and watching
them grow in Christ. Which is a great reward, one of the things that keeps me
going in ministry is seeing people I’ve invested time and energy in take on
Christian leadership. Paul tells timothy Yes the work is hard but the reward is
well worth it when we see the harvest. In the book of Corinthians Paul uses the
same metaphor to talk of what he and Apollos had done at Corinth one had
planted one had watered they’d been faithful in the hard work God had called
them to do, and God made the crop to grow.
These metaphors are quite open ended and as Paul says to Timothy
it is God who grants us insight as we explore and reflect on them. I invite you
to do that.
Paul finishes his exhortation to Timothy by giving his own life as
an example of what he has talked about. His faithfulness to the gospel and his
suffering so that others may know the love and transforming presence of Christ.
Then in a very kiwi way he finishes the whole thing off with a song, a waiata.
Scholars have seen his faithful saying here as a Hymn. One that concentrates on
the faithfulness of God to us. Facing the storms and trials of life the call to
be faithful, and remember God calls us to be faithful weather it is successful
is in God’s hands. But if die with him we will live in him, if we endure we
will reign with him, unlike the race all those who finish will be rewarded with
the crown of life. There is the solemn warning that if we disown him he will
disown us, even if we wrestle with being faithful, Gods very character is that
he is faithful.
Like the flax seed head we may find ourselves bobbing and
weaving in the wind, we may find ourselves bent down and our faith falling
flat, but God’s very nature is to be faithful. The metaphor of the soldier and
the athlete and the hard working farmer shed light on what that means for us,
but in the end we stand strong and kia kaha and are able to be faithful for the
gospel because of the presence of Christ by the Holy Spirit.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
Prayer of Thanksgiving and confession based on Psalm 71:1-8
I was writing a prayer of thanksgiving and confession for public worship on Sunday and as part of my spiritual discipline I used as inspiration the portion of the Psalms from my daily devotions... Psalm 71:1-8.
The image that goes with this post is of a gannet flying above the stormy sea at Muriwai on New Zealand's wild west coast. There are two places in the world where Gannets nest on the mainland, both of them in New Zealand, one at Cape Kidnappers in the Hawkes Bay and the other thankfully at Muriwai just a short trip from Auckland City. The Gannets come and nest on the rocky cliffs above the raging waves of the Tasman Sea. They like the psalmist have found a rock and a refuge on which to live. A sure place from birth right through life as they come back to roost and raise another generation of young.
AS usual, I've been a bit flowery with my language... it is a fault... feel free to use this prayer, or any part of it, if you find it helpful... or none if you don't.
Mighty God,
Amidst the raging
storms of life
Where wind
swept waves crash one after another
And rain fuelled
torrents threaten to sweep away
we have
found a safe place and a solid foundation
A refuge, a solid
rock and a strong fortress
In you we
have hope in you we have confidence
Loving God,
When our
voices could not be heard above the winds howl
And our
words seemed lost in the depth of dark night
It was you
who heard that cry for help
It was you by
your righteousness who reached down and drew near
It was you
who sent your son into this world, to seek and save
To die for
all we had done wrong, to forgive and restore
It was you who
spoke that truth and new life into us
It is you
who formed us in our mother womb
It is you who
we can depend on from life’s first cry to final breath
Who is our
guide and friend in childhood years
Who gives us
assurance in the uncertainty of youth
Who walks with
us through the demands of adult life
And strengthens
us in aging years
Our God,
Our life
stories are a sign of your great love
They point
people to your saving grace in Jesus Christ
They tell of
a shelter and home amidst the wild winds
proclaim your abiding presence in life’s ebbs and flows
The strength
to stand that comes from your spirit’s presence
Our mouths
are full of your praise and we speak of your splendour
God who is
with us now,
Help us in
our times of trouble and strife
Forgive us
for the wrong we have done and the good we have left undone
Be again our
solid ground today, enable us to stand
Fill us
afresh with your Holy Spirit presence
That we may
indeed be a signpost to you in word and deed
Living out your grace and justice to your
glory, Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Saturday, June 2, 2018
People of the Burning Bush ( Exodus 3:1-12, 2 Timothy 1:6-12)
I was Preaching at Glendowie Presbyterian Church this morning, I am the 'interim Moderator there which in our tradition means I'm looking after the Parish while they have a vacancy. Or as I explained it I'm the spare wheel which you take out of the boot and put on till you can get to a garage and get a new tyre that will take you on the rest of your journey. I was preaching because there were a group of six people who were becoming members of Glendowie Church.

Now you’d think that as a church our logo might be a cross, to
represent Christ’s death and resurrection the central event and basis of our
faith, or a dove, to represent the Holy Spirit, poured out on all who would
believe, and you most commonly see those things in Church logos. Right, St
Peter’s has both. But our wider church’s logo is the Burning Bush, and to tell
you the truth I really like that as a symbol and what it says to us about God
and about who we are as a people and a Church.
So today I am going to talk about being people of the
‘burning bush’. The two passages we are looking at are Exodus 3 which is the
narrative of Moses encounter with God at the burning bush and Josh preached on
part of this passage last week, and can
I say “it is really great to be with you today”…and Paul’s opening
encouragement in his second letter to Timothy. Where Paul is writing to
Timothy, in a difficult pastoral situation which has sapped him of his
enthusiasm for ministry and Paul calls him to fan into flame the gift of God he
has received. If we were using modern language we’d say Timothy was in risk of
being burned out and Paul is calling his to reignite the flame and passion for
Christ and his mission… a message for us today as the people of the Burning
Firstly, I love the burning bush because of what it says
about our God. At the burning bush we see the character of God that is the well
spring out of which Pours God’s saving grace. The God we meet at the burning
bush is the God who sent his Son, to die on the cross for us, and raised him to
life again and sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in all those who would put their
trust in Jesus Christ.
We meet a God who
is Holy. Moses sees an unusual sight a bush which is on-fire but is not
being consumed, this is not a combustion fire but a living fire, something
mysterious and other. An angel of the Lord we are told, but we also hear that
God is present. As Moses draws close to
that a voice from the bush which he identifies as the Lord’s says take off your
shoes because this is Holy ground. It is holy ground because here Moses is
encountering the Holy God.
In the new Bible Dictionary Holiness is called the attribute
of attributes when we think of God, God is holy when we think of the attributes
of greatness, like being spirit and eternal and all powerful the things that go
into setting God apart from creation, making God Holy, other.
Also the attributes that make God good, righteousness and
justice and mercy join together as the moral excellence and perfection that the
word Holy incapsulates. We see the faithfulness of God, God reveals himself to
be the God of Abraham and Jacob, and Isaac, this encounter is a direct result
of a God who keeps his promises. In 1 John 1:5 we are told ‘God is light and in
him there is no turning of darkness”. This is the God we encounter at the
burning bush.
It would be easy to think of such a God as being a distant
disinterested deity, a God way above us beyond comprehension and knowing, but
at the burning bush we meet God in a different way.
We meet a God who
sees, and a God who hears and a God who draws near to save. Moses is
told that God has seen the misery of his People in Egypt, he has heard their cries
because of their slave drivers, and God is concerned. God sees, Hagar was Sarah’s Egyptian slave
girl who she gave to Abraham so he could have a son, and when she conceives
Sarah has her banished and sent off into the desert to die. There is the wilderness
she encounters God and her response is to acknowledge “here is the God who sees
me”, a nobody a slave you could say has been sexually exploited and unjustly
abandoned and yet God sees her. God sees the mistreatment and oppression of his
people. He sees it today as well, the battered wife hiding and ashamed, the
abused child, the mistreated and exploited immigrant, the deep pains and
sorrows which wound and scar us, God sees.
We meet the God who hears. Who hears the cries of agony at the bite of
the whip of oppression and the things that drive us mercilessly, the prayers in
the midst of suffering, do not simply resound in the empty void of the dark
night, God hears God hears and responds.
We see at the burning bush God draws near, his care is not simply a concern from a far
but we have God who comes in response and acts on behalf of his people. In
Psalm 113 God is portrayed as a king seated on a throne, high and exalted, but
who gets off his throne and in an undignified way stoops and bends down to see
and to hear and respond to the pain and suffering in our world.
We are used to the images like the one behind us of members
of the royal family amongst the poor, in this case Harry with orphans in
Botswana. Using his profile and position for their benefit. We forget how rare
they are historically, but it is a great illustration of the God we meet at the
burning bush.
At the burning Bush we also met a God who sends someone to bring his salvation in to that
situation. In this case he sends a reluctant Moses, again Josh spoke on that
last week, and I hear it was a very good sermon. But as we see in 2 timothy,
Paul talks of God sending his Jesus Christ to free us from slavery to sin and
death to bring us into relationship with him. God’s concern and love results in
Jesus Christ, Christ’s death and resurrection saving us and calling us to live
a life that reflects the Holy nature of our God. Paul goes on to say that he
has been called and sent as a messenger of the grace of God in the gospel of
Jesus Christ, God’s response to the suffering in the world is to send his
people and like with Moses to go with them, with us, with the message ‘to let
my people Go”.
I love the burning Bush because if the God whom we meet at
the burning Bush who reveals himself to us. But I also love it because of what
it says about us.
God heard us, the deep groans of our soul, that longing for
hope and forgiveness and for fresh start, that longing to be loved to wholeness
again, that lonely cry of separation and responded. We are objects of God’s
love, In Christ God drew near, for us Christ came and showed us God’s love and
ways, for us Christ died on the cross, so all we had done may be forgiven and
we may be drawn into a new relationship with God as our heavenly father, for us
God raised Christ to life again, and we can know abundant life lived with
Christ, life that goes on into eternity, for us God sent his Holy Spirit to
dwell within us, to lead and guide to empower us with his presence to witness
to the hope we have in Christ. For us, God drew us together to be a people, his
children living out his love for us in the way we love one another. As Paul
tells Timothy Jesus Christ has saved us and called us to live a holy life.
But I also love the burning bush because it says that God sends us well and that like
Moses, that ordinary, flawed man who felt inadequate for the task he was given,
God calls us as well to be agents of his grace and to tell the Good News of his
love and grace for us. You see becoming
a member of the Church is not only
finding a place to belong in Christ, but also finding a part to play, in the
mission of God. We are God’s sent people. God’s plans and purposes for his
people has always been to show to the world what God is like so they to will
come and worship. In Psalm 67, God’s blessing of Israel is not only because God
loves them, but that the people in the nations may see God’s goodness. AS God’s
people Jesus hope for us was that people might see our good deeds our love
shown in action, and give praise to our heavenly father. His final words to his
disciples to all who would follow on, was to be his witnesses, to go into the
world and make disciples, baptising them and teaching them to obey all Christ’s
commandments. We are God’s sent people to show God’s justice and love in the
We are People of the Burning
Bush, loved by the God who sees and hears, set free and given liberty to be
God’s people in Christ and called and sent. What does that mean in reality?
Well I really like your vison “to be a vibrant faith community
displaying transformed lives”, Your mission statement “ to invite people to
faith in Jesus Christ through local mission, to discipline in Christ, and to
move members to share and serve to the glory of God“and the move strategy here
at Glendowie, because they encapsulate what we’ve been talking about. You want
people to come and to know the God who sees and hears and cares through Christ
Jesus and to become members of the Church, but that to be part of God’s people
and the body of Christ is also to be willing to be involved in going out with
the good news of Jesus Christ as well. In personal evangelism and together as a
church as you minister to various groups within your community and beyond. And live it out in Loving and caring for one
another so people will see how much God loves them by the way you love each
other and them.
Can I just finish by sharing with you something Justin
Wellby, the arch bishop of Canterbury,
shared with the Dioecian of Bath and Wells in the UK as they launched
their new mission statement ” evangelism and Mission at the heart of
everything”. It may seem strange to finish talking about being people of the
Burning bush, Presbyterians, church of Scotland, by quoting the head of the
church of England, but hey. Any way He
said that it was a great vision and mission statement but no amount of training
and teaching and programme was going to
make it a reality. Rather it would become something that naturally happened as
the church was captivated again by Jesus Christ, and his unconditional love, it
would just naturally flow out in everything we did and said, if we became
captivated by Jesus. If again we fall deeply in love with the God we meet at
the burning bush who is holy, and who sees and hears, and cares and draws near
and sends, it will give us the spiritual vitality we need to be who God calls
us to be and what he calls us to do.
Paul commands Timothy to fan into flame the gift of God within him. The gift of
God he says in verse 7 that is within all of us, the presence of the Holy
Spirit and he then points Timothy back to the great love of God shown in Jesus
Christ his saving us, his calling us, as a source of that vitality. AS people
of the Burning Bush, I’d also encourage us to once again fan into flame that
love for Christ, to be alight and ablaze once again by the presence of God’s
Holy Spirit in our midst. The Burning Bush is not just a logo, rather it’s the
hope for the world as Jesus says in the sermon on the mount “no one lights a
lamp and places it under a basket, rather they place it on a lampstand to give
light to the whole room.”
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