Thursday, May 19, 2016

Post Pentecost Prayer of thanks... and continued renewal...

After pentecost, where I experienced many people asking to be filled afresh with God's Holy Spirit, and God answering, both at St Peter's in our morning service  and in the evening at a Pentecost gathering across our Presbytery (the regional way us Presbyterians organise our church government), I just felt it was right to write a prayer giving thanks to God for keeping his promises. To Thank God for sending Jesus and the Holy Spirit... both then and there as a historical reality and here and know in a real and fresh way.  Also as I'm preaching on Luke 10:1-24 I felt that it was important to keep asking for God's spirit to be with us as Jesus asks us pray for and go work in the harvestfeilds he has called us to.

I'm aware that at the moment I seem to be writting prayers that are full of Church languge and sometimes I wonder if they are as real and honest as they need to be... Having just recently listened to a conversation between Bono and Eugene Peterson on the psalms... Thsi week however the metaphors i've mixed from scripture and the words of theology seem to fit and hopefully don't stop the joy of having a fresh encounter with Gods Holy Spirit come through.  I'm just a learner so I'll keep on working at it.    

Lord God,

We thank you that you keep your promises,

You sent your son into this world

 That all who believes in him would not perish but have eternal life

That you would make a way for us to be reconciled with you

Through Jesus death and resurrection we have received forgiveness of sin

You have drawn near to us: who were far off

We did not know your grace but now we have received your grace

Living God

We thank you that you keep your promise

Christ promised to be with us unto the end of the age

You promised to pour out your spirit on all people

Men and women, rich and poor, old and young

You promised to send power from on high

To lead us into all truth and be our guide

We thank you for sending your Holy Spirit

God with and within us

We thank you that you keep your promise

That it wasn’t just way back then and way over there

But that as we ask, seek and knock you pour your spirit on us today

That you fill us afresh, and nurture Christ like fruit as we walk with you

You enable us to witness to Jesus in our time and place

You equip us to live and love and serve as your people right here

You give us peace and joy that the world can’t take away

Lord of the harvest field  

We thank you that you keep your promises

Send out more workers into your harvest field

As you’ve filled us with your spirit cause us to go

Lead us in every word and action to proclaim Christs love

To shine your light in the darkness

Voice and show your justice and righteousness

That you, o God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit  may be praised


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