Sunday, February 26, 2017

What a wonderful God we have... A prayer of thanksgiving and confession.

What a wonderful God we have

Yes, eternal, all mighty, creator of all there is

All those amazing things beyond our comprehension

But also the God who hears the cries of his people

The God who sees our joys and our sorrow and suffering

The God who cares deeply and loves passionately

The God who responds, answers and moves

What a wonderful God we have

Yes, enthroned above, sovereign and all powerful

Vast and beyond our ability to understand or contain

But also the God who in Jesus became one of us, pitched his tent at our place

Who allowed himself to be a man of sorrow acquainted with our grief

Taught a better way and died to open that way for us

Who invites us to come to him and find rest

What a wonderful God we have

Holy, Righteous and just, perfect in all he does

Who measures the seas in his palm, the universe in the span of his arms

Yet, does not remain aloof but dwells within us by the Holy Spirit

Speaking to us and guiding us by his word

Comforting the sorrow filled, strengthening the weak giving courage to the fearful.

Enabling us to witness to the hope we have, by word and deed

what a wonderful God we have

we do not have the words to describe all that you are and all you do

we need all out theology and all our word craft and it is not enough

But we also know you accept our simple 3thaanks for everyday blessing

For family and friends, support and companionship, love and care

For providing what we need, food, clothing  and shelter

For who you’ve made us with our skills and abilities to make ends meet

Giving us plenty so we may share will those for whom you care

What a wonderful God we have

Who does not want us to pretend that we’ve got it all together

But invites us to be honest and transparent

Not to hide our sin and wrongdoing but to confess it

Knowing that as we do God forgives and wipes the slate clean

Not imagining we’ve got it all together

But bringing our brokenness, that he will bind up and make whole

What a wonderful God we have

Who is not just from way back when or coming again

Not just a distant memory or a vague future hope

But is here with us today in our worship and the ebb and flow of life

Accept our worship O God

We admit we have done wrong, forgive our sin and make us whole

Fill us afresh with Your spirt to do your will, to bring glory to you, father son and Holy Spirit.

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