Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Stones Been Rolled Away: A Prayer For Easter Sunday and The easter Season

I have used this prayer over the past few years on Easter Sunday or when I have preached in the Easter season.  I thought I would post it in time for Easter Sunday but I missed (thus two posting today). Please feel free to use it during the Christian season of Easter or on any Sunday which of course is when we celebrate Jesus Risen from the grave.

i have used it with the congregation doing the responses in the "the stones been rolled away" refrain and also had multiple voices do the stanza's (if I may call them that) giving it a chance for m,ale and female, young and (not so young) or various ethnic voices to be heard and to celebrate  "He Is Risen".


Lord of the star fields, ancient of days

Our mighty and gracious God
You spoke and all that is came into being
You formed us from clay and breathed your life into us
We were made in your image to obey and enjoy you always
Yet we turned our backs on you and went our own way
Death entered the world and injustice flourished
While still able to reach great heights and good
We are capable of such darkness, cruelty and the worst of sin
What hope is there for this fallen humanity?

The stones been rolled away
All: The body is not there
Jesus is risen
All: He is risen indeed

Loving God you sent your son Jesus, to heal the rift between us,
To show and teach us what you were like
Jesus spoke of love and righteousness
Of you, O God in heaven, as Abba
A parent who loves and sustains us
Jesus healed the sick; spoke for justice, cared for the poor,
He was the shinning light of the world
Yet we betrayed him, condemned him
We beat him and mocked him and nailed him to a cross
He died there and was buried
What hope is there for us?

The stones been rolled away
All: The body is not there
Jesus is risen
All: He is risen indeed

In this there is great joy beyond compare
You did not leave Jesus in the grave
Sin and death have not won
Jesus death paid the price for our sin
Jesus rising gives us new life,
Life free from sin, lived in gods embrace
Life that goes beyond the grave to eternity
O God of power that raised Jesus you are at work in us.
You sent your Holy Spirit to those who believe
That we may bear witness that Jesus is alive
O God we have a great hope to share

The stones been rolled away
All: The body is not there
Jesus is risen
All: He is risen indeed

Yes Jesus is alive and we affirm that victory
There is forgiveness that smashes the chains of sin and shame
There is light that shines and vanquishes darkness
There is another chance when we’ve blown all our chances
There is hope that reaches down, even to our deepest despair
There is healing for sickness of bodies, mind and soul
There is life even as we face death; it has lost its sting
There is power to withstand and overcome injustice
There is love that can restore broken lives and relationships
There is joy that dances even in the face of sorrow
We are an Easter people and alleluia is our song

The stones been rolled away
All: The body is not there
Jesus is risen
All: He is risen indeed

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