Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Prayer of thanksgiving and confession.

Well Lord Psalm 96 calls us to sing a new song to the Lord

To lift our voice to praise you for what you’ve done way back when

But also to sing of what you are doing here and now,

Your steadfast love constant and true

Your steadfast love always fresh and new

We lift our songs then in thanks to you

Not just our voices but our hearts as well

Not just our lips

But with lives changed and renewed

With all we are we will worship you

Thank you for the wonder of your creation

This good earth

The amazing array of life it supports

It’s riches that provides for us

The vast displayed in the night sky

Thank you for your grace shown to us

In sending your son

His life, teaching and example

Giving His life, for the world, on the cross

Forgiving our sins and ushering in new life

Thank you for your spirit’s presence

Dwelling in us

Convicting us of our need for you

Leading us into all truth

Enabling us to live for you

Thank you for all you provide

Family and home

Brothers and sisters to share the load

Restoration and wholeness

Meaning and purpose

Thank you for our very life

You knit us together in our mother womb

Woed us and won us

You hold our times in your hands

You can be trusted to our dying breath

We see what you have done for us

And we are aware that we are not worthy

We confess before you our short comings

We acknowledge that we are sinners

That we are a sinful people

Lord God forgive us

We have not shared what you have provided to all

We have not loved as you love

We do things we should not

We leave undone the good you call us to do

We again sing your praises  

Because you are faithful and just

As We confess our sins

You forgive us our sins

And You cleanse us from all unrighteousness

Fill us afresh with your spirit

Yes it dwells in us but we need renewing

Change our hearts to reflect your love and grace

May we indeed worship you in word and deed

May we live to the glory of God: Father son and Holy Spirit

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