Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter Sunday Prayer

Loving God

We join your people all over the world

To proclaim the wonderful news; “He is risen”

We join as brothers and sisters in this land and place

To witness to the new life we have in you

We come together this morning to give you praise

For who you are and what you have done

You sent Jesus Christ into the world to seek and save the lost

In His life and teaching we hear the truth of your Kingdom

On the cross, Jesus paid the price for what we have done wrong

and we can be forgiven and reconciled to God as our Father

In Christ raise to life again, sin and death has lost it’s sting

And we are created anew and can have full and eternal life in you.

You have sent the promised Holy Spirit, as Christ said you would

You dwell within us to lead and to guide, enable and empower

You have drawn us together to be your body in the world

United us with the same hope, the same faith, the same love

We confess that we have done wrong, and ask that you would forgive us

We acknowledged we have left good undone, and ask you to forgive us

In Christ who died and is risen again we know your mercy and grace,

We know You are faithful and just and we are forgiven and made clean

Fill us afresh with you Holy Spirit, O Lord, to be your witnesses

To proclaim “he is risen’ to the glory of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

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