Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Morning prayer of thanksgiving

Loving God we come to you this morning full of joy and thanks for the amazing God you are and all that you have done

We thank you for the wonder of your creation,

The warm sun and the cool wind and Yes even the rain that makes our land so green

For beach and lake bush and hill vista and quite still spot

For food and drink and  festive fun 

We praise you for those we love and surround us with love. 

For the glee of children on Christmas morning

For the embrace and memories shared with relatives from both near and afar

For the people who give up their family time at Christmas to sit with the hurting and alone

Most of all we give you thanks because of Christmas

We remember your son Jesus coming to live amongst us, bringing your truth and light into the world.

We praise you for his love and his message of hope

For showing  us what you are like and how to live in a new way

For  demonstrating your love by dying on the cross

In the midst of the worst act of human violence we have seen your mercy and grace and we have come to know you forgiveness.

We thank you for the abundant and eternal life that we have because  you raised Jesus from the dead.

We praise you that Jesus is seated at your right hand and will come to set all thing right.

We celebrate your coming Lord Jesus and we look forward to your second coming.


When we think of what you have done for us Lord we are aware of our own sin and our need for your forgiveness.

Forgive us Lord us for the things we have done wrong and the good that we have left undone

That we have not loved as you have loved

That we have preferred our darkness to your light
That we have not shared the bounty you have given us with those who have the least.

Forgive us we pray O Lord

Fill us with your spirit afresh this Christmas that Christ might reign in our lives that we might live for and proclaim your kingdom come.

To the glory of God, father son and holy spirit amen.



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